Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Empar Moliner, of verb lubrificant i premi faces calent (Josep Pla 2000), one of them be probableme

Library Reading Club Les Corts Miquel Llongueras Entrevistes a l'Empar Moliner
Empar Moliner, of verb lubrificant i premi faces calent (Josep Pla 2000), one of them be probablement authors per Sant Jordi despatxaran tants autògrafs Rialles com. Amb curriculum actriu d'excabaretera i converted a radio journalist, seu segon l'llibre has ajudat bidding to top dels supervendes in Catalan. També li has regalat high flown compliments d'i leave deliver a per-seva yves montand c est si bon is acute prose. I have not li robat not a gram of réconfortant Humilitat qui d'just arrive at Literari carousel. yves montand c est si bon
Estudis tinc-No, i do not vaig per Això scholarly d'. Pero was a compulsive reader. Fet, amb vaig end glamor dels meu Poble Floral Games (Santa Eulalia de Ronçana) of the fa-tant guanyar yves montand c est si bon anys.
Estic molt-M'encanta Perquè a gust xerrant i xafardejant the gent amb. A month to month, és molt sensat fer Negoci llibres amb els. S'ha guanyar d'aspire to diners. Això of love treballar per l'art ja s'ha acabat.
Per month month to interview cliqueu avall ...

Interview apareguda to read d'month October, a priest d'Oscar Lopez. Better than the middle-class liberals exceed 30 go getting the idea. this fall will suffer because the first book of stories Moliner appear in Castilian: Seller of flats hated mimes. So far only the Catalans had been affected readers, but Target has decided to export the caustic humor of this sniper. I have a past. Tiger did for a DIY chain called Tigers, and Santa Claus in The English Court
EM I've changed some things. Even the title will surely be different. I still have not decided. yves montand c est si bon But as in Castilian word has a special mime polysemy, I think that can give him the title game.
OL addition to this book of stories have published a novel, Feli esthéticienne, with which you won the Josep Pla Prize novel. In both books have highlighted a peculiar style, which projects a very acidic humor and irony.
EM I think even the five books written not just define your narrative voice, unless you're a crack as Martin Amis, who at age 24 already demonstrated with his first novel was a monster. If not, you're writing and you're learning. If I had to define my first book would say a story book starring roughly couples actually painting the walls yellow and have a blue sofa in the dining room is. Well, now would probably walls and white, which is what they like the famous boobies. Couples are financially yves montand c est si bon healthy, they will see subtitled films because doing so would be sacrilege, and make fondue for friends you often wonder how they are doing in their life together.
EM No. What happens is that spent several years working in radio when I was bored and reading tickers. One day I realized that regularly attacks appeared to mimes and clowns. I guess we are concerned that they do not speak ... do not know ... and I thought it was the perfect excuse for a book.
EM De actress in a seedy group, which did everything, including cabaret (often yves montand c est si bon comment that the number of striptease they did, it was not what she undressed, and after a few years he left because he got tired , as I had to shave often).
EM is that for me the humor is a religion. I try to be present in everything I do because it's a way of not thinking about death. yves montand c est si bon I am a fan of Grouxo Marx and Woody Allen. Also of Dorothy Parker, a benchmark for me. I think the writers of this country yves montand c est si bon as a condition for publication, should read, like Patricia Highsmith. yves montand c est si bon It bothers me that the writers criticize without problem to the men and women writers in general do not usually do the same with women.
MS has to do something. Being a writer has become fashionable and that is a disgrace. Now everyone wants to publish if I have to go through the ordeal of writing a book. Of course, sometimes it is not even needed. There is Ana Botella and his collection of classic tales.
EM I was always aware that I enjoyed reading. I am a writer because I'm reading. Although it may sound corny, know that John Irving and Martin Amis will draw a book in autumn is a good reason yves montand c est si bon to continue living.
EM I love movies and TV (Read on TV in El País, in

As a reader Saber Vivir, the magazine of reference for intellectuals like me, I see that the issue

As a reader Saber Vivir, the magazine of reference for intellectuals like me, I see that the issue of weight loss is recurring. For example, the number 149 was the lead article: " Pierde a size! Weight Loss and Reduce Volume" by Mary T. Lopez. But Mary T. Lopez should not be very sure of the success of your article, for the following month, at No. 150, Article firm itself (central):
"The Fat-Burning Plan that works. Enable you to Lose weight metabolism and truth." That is, the number 149 was to slim down a little joke, but now, a month later, Mary found the formula, the elixir, the key to weight straßenmusik loss. And I am glad, because I've decided to lose weight.
I've been tempted to ask for the complete works of Saber vivir because, as had seemed a Stanford University study has determined that 8 of 10 covers of the magazine are devoted to this topic.
But I feel that all say the same thing, in a nutshell: "When para perder peso Haces diet Debes spend more What You Eat." And why is it so darn difficult, Maria T. Lopez? Why magazine after magazine you have to wring your brain to tell it and it look different? I can think of that is more appetizing plate of spaghetti carbonara that a plate of spinach, but there are other factors that affect the failure, for example, the pure fatigue, Dan Ariely explains how to fear mentimos. .. especially nosotros mismos. Dan tells us that, in situations straßenmusik of depletion activates the mechanism of self-indulgence rational (rather irrational), eating a sweet serving of "compensation": I made Caldú and not in me I can eat a piece of chocolate ?, and expresses it well: "The idea behind the depletion of the ego is to resist the temptations need a considerable effort and energy (...) This means that after a long day to say "no" to several different temptations and diminishes our capacity to oppose no resistance until you reach a point where you surrender and end with belly full of Danish cheese, Oreo cookies, chips or anything that makes us salivate. " (Do not is irrelevant, but the book also mentions a study that shows how fatigue affects significantly the decisions of the judges ...). Now the question we ask Mary, the Dan and me is: will I be able to follow a diet, exercise, and logically follows me lose weight 10 kilos I can spare? We try. I start tomorrow. I start tomorrow.
I learned to rely on cookies. JO Cole suspended matter. Allavontes, wins ... or not? If you find Mary and Dan, I appoint you president of the club, I Siré in the Secretary ever to bite and jump the law of sanity straßenmusik whenever I leave bite sintiró (or mixeilins) I also start tomorrow: =) nanito, beautiful! straßenmusik ! Delete Reply
Hey beautiful, I hope it is true that starts tomorrow, see you be watching, huh? DD The truth is that Mary makes a face pretty healthy to me that it tells us everything ... Kisses Brownie! Remove
People who are thin or fat you eat anything that is what gives the best weight loss tips, normal, they do not ever raise a gram. The only time I've straßenmusik slimmed down a considerable amount of kilos (17) was 30 years with a diet of "biomanan." Midweek combined boiled vegetables with chicken or grilled rabbit straßenmusik and fish salads and evening I took a chocolate shake of this product. Sunday, theoretically fewer calories burned, was beaten with all day. At this time I also leave the car at home. Now I download a gram costs a lot, but drink more than two liters of water a day and eat vegetables and salads, chicken or rabbit. I guess age does not forgive straßenmusik and I do not say that! Incidentally, raw artichokes with a little straßenmusik oil and vinegar, holy hand! jejje Desire, perseverance! Besset and good luck! Delete Reply
The biomanan what classic! 17 pounds straßenmusik is a lot, huh? but did you really straßenmusik strict diet, I also got myself a few pounds to lose weight about 5 years ago, but now cost me more to get me (because I've been, huh!!) and I I think it will cost more to lower them because, as you also say, "It is from them that cierto 40 Slimming is more difficult," Mary T. dixit. Thanks for the advice and carxofil luck! Besset! Remove
Aprimart you is easy: do not eat. Of course, if you can not eat up dying. The second part is a little aprimarte and reduce belly cellulite. This means one hour daily gym. For me is very difficult. The fault is that I am smoker, had anxiety when I smoke a cigarette. Now I eat sweet, you feel. Of course, after this bill passes and therefore never lose. And the gym is that I have no time. Although I jog a

Monday, December 30, 2013

Words and words

Carmen said ...
Heh, heh, heh ... I put the comment in the wrong post, this was before the monster mascot. I think we should learn to know present day quietly as your people. 22 September 2011 9:06
2012 springs not lose
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Sunday, December 29, 2013

With growing up was becoming aware that those young hopes of the whole thing would have been worth

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Anna Thomas on August 1, 2013 at 17:21 said:
Fantastic! as described in a few words and rich without telling them the feelings of a life lost!
Many thanks James!
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Saturday, December 28, 2013

Accompaniment (15) Salad (13) Appetizer (15) Rice (1) Drink (1) Snacks (25) Packed (1) cake (2) Con

The origin of curry is apparently in South India and was to accompany any dish rice. Over time it has evolved and is said curry is any dish spiced Indian style, ie, spicy sauce, spicy or not, is often accompanied by vegetables and a dish with ingredients of animal origin and vegetables and, quite often, accompanying lentils. If you have a chance to read My trip there with Gemma will discover part of Indian culture and you can imagine how the geography of this country hakushu 18 of Asia. On the other hand, you have the book salesman explain some things sarees Indian gastronomy and the end of the book there is a glossary of words that are called the north and south of India.
At the same place, the same guests and a menu based on this year we repeated Currys and Currys do two different chili both basmati rice we eat and we did pass it down with a delicious wine.
The first two Currys is a sweet and spicy vegetables. The image is like a ratatouille, right? But there is nothing to do! It gives spicy taste ... :-) For the sweet and spicy curry with vegetables need the following ingredients: 5 chilies 2 cloves garlic 1 teaspoon of coffee beans a dash of cumin oil 2 onions 1/2 tea spoon cumin powder 3 / 4 tsp coriander powder (it's like parsley, chopped) 3/4 chilli, chopped 1 tsp garam masala 1/2 tsp turmeric powder 2 ripe tomatoes, a can of crushed tomatoes salt to taste vegetables (peppers, zucchini, carrot , mushrooms, cabbage-and-flower, broccoli, hakushu 18 eggplant ... the ones that make you rage) The preparation of this curry is as follows: hakushu 18
Put the pasta in the pot for two minutes hakushu 18 preceding species. Add the powdered spices and stir for a minute endlessly. Time to chopped and peeled tomatoes and cook for four minutes. Put the squares vegetables (zucchini, peppers, green beans, mushrooms ...) Finally put a jar of crushed tomatoes and rectify hakushu 18 salt and let it cook until it is done. Optionally, you can add a diced fresh ginger hakushu 18 if you have little spicy to your taste. Serve with basmati rice together and stir it to eat. It is important to follow the timing of the firings of the species, because if we spend that time can change hakushu 18 the taste and we expect that, in addition, we can burn, leaving the final dish to go to waste.
As spicy potato curry use the following ingredients: 2 potatoes, peeled and cut into chunks oil 1/2 onion 1 clove garlic 2 grams of cumin chili beans 1 gram 4 grams of curry powder garam masala 4 grams of a dice fresh ginger salt 400 grams of crushed tomatoes (you can take a can) 400 grams of cooked chickpeas 400g cooked peas (can be frozen or canned) 400 ml. coconut milk (2 cans small or large) The steps to get a good result in this curry are: Boil the potatoes in cubes for 15 minutes. After this time, drain them and leave them in the covered pot, the freshly steamed. In addition, boil the peas, if ye frozen. hakushu 18 Also you can use, but do not know what flavor they have, really. In addition, in a pan, put oil and fry the onion and there garlic picadets. Add the spices, ginger and salt, and cook it for 2 minutes. Add the tomatoes hakushu 18 and cook for a while. When they are almost cooked, put the peas, potatoes and chickpeas, stir and pour coconut milk. We cook 5 to 10 minutes. And we can use.
The Currys dishes are industrious, I'm not saying no. But there are some sauces that can do much more and freeze it for another day, which is very convenient for you to solve some lunch or dinner, right?
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2013 (94) November (4) October hakushu 18 (10) September (5) August (16) blackberry muffins, vegan and gluten-free banana pudding blackberry jam and then cream xia shock ... Two Sicilian pesto to Currys "vegetable sweet and spicy" and "hot tears and ... banana cake chocolate vegan s ... blueberry muffins, vegan and gluten-free flour mix gluten free cake trempó Competition maquipetis tomatoes baked cake Trempó Mallorcan hakushu 18 glass Maquipetis Lemonade Birthday: 8 years! July (7) June (11) May (15) April (12) March (3) February (6) January (5) 2012 ( 56) December (10) November (11) October

Friday, December 27, 2013

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Thursday, December 26, 2013

News by Neighborhood Altadena Antelope Valley, Palmdale, Lancaster Arcadia Arlington Heights singing

Forbes has just released its list of most expensive zip codes in the US (based on median asking prices)--for the first time this year, a Manhattan zip topped the list. Meanwhile, Southern California zip codes seem to have slid a little; Rolling Hills (90274) is highest on the list, at number nine. The area still has 10 very pricey zips (including 90210 , of course, and Bel Air's 90077 )--here, in handy map form, are those pricey zips' priciest houses.
Rich People
The Eternal Debate: Renting vs. Buying How Much House Can You Really Afford? Figuring Out What Your Prospective House is Worth Five Possible Financial Incentives for Buying Some Reasons You Might Want to Keep Renting A Complete Guide to Researching Any House in LA Getting Pre-Approved for a Homebuying Loan Finding the Right Real Estate Agent How Do Brokers' Commissions Work Anyway? A Guide to Owning in a Historic Preservation Overlay Zone Short Sales Suck, But Not as Much as They Used To Here s the Lowdown on Mortgages Tricks the Pros Use to Find Great Rentals What's Up With Earthquake Insurance?
News by Neighborhood Altadena Antelope Valley, Palmdale, Lancaster Arcadia Arlington Heights singing telegram cleveland Atwater Village Baldwin singing telegram cleveland Hills Bel-Air Beverly Area Beverly Crest Beverly Hills Post Office singing telegram cleveland Beverly singing telegram cleveland Hills/ BeverlyGrove Beverly Park Boyle Heights Brentwood Brookside Burbank/Glendale singing telegram cleveland Calabasas Carthay Circle Catalina Island Century City Cheviot Hills Chinatown Claremont/Pomona/Upland Compton Conejo Valley Culver City/Mar Vista/Marina del Rey Cypress Park Downtown Eagle Rock East LA/ Boyle Heights El Segundo singing telegram cleveland El Sereno Elysian Park Encino Exposition Park Fairfax Glassell Park Glendale Hancock Park Hidden Hills Highland singing telegram cleveland Park Hollywood / West Hollywood Hollywood Hills Holmby Hills Inglewood Inland Empire Jefferson Park Koreatown/Mid-Wilshire Larchmont Village Laurel Canyon Lincoln Heights Long Beach Los Angeles Malibu Mandeville Canyon Mar Vista Marina del Rey Melrose Hill Mid City West Mid-City Miracle Mile/Hancock Park Montecito Heights Monterey singing telegram cleveland Park Mt. Washington North Hollywood Northeast LA Northridge Orange Orange County Pacific Palisades Palm Springs Palms Pasadena Pico-Robertson singing telegram cleveland Pico-Union Playa Del Rey/Westchester/LAX Rancho Palos Verdes Riverside County San Bernardino County San Diego County San Gabriel San Gabriel Valley San Marino Santa Barbara County Santa Clarita Santa Monica & Venice Sherman singing telegram cleveland Oaks Sierra Madre Silverlake/Los Feliz/Echo Park South Bay/San Pedro South LA South Pasadena Southeast LA Studio City Sunset Strip Sylmar Tarzana Thai Town The Valley Topanga Ventura County Vernon View Park West Adams West LA West LA/Westwood/Brentwood Westchester Westlake/MacArthur Park Wilshire Vista Windsor Square Woodland Hills
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Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Larry Ericson September 18, 2012 at 01:21 AM I think John is right...the problem with the law is tha

Should California aspron bh Adopt Idaho s Stop as Yield Bike Law? - Opinion - San Anselmo-Fairfax, CA Patch
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Some insightful aspron bh and thoughtful dialogue has come from our recent update on the Fairfax Police s recent crackdown on cyclists running stop signs.
This summer, a few commenters, including transportation blogger David Edmondson, route: {:controller=>"users", :action=>"show", :id=>"david-edmondson"} -->, suggested California adopt Idaho s Stop as Yield bike law. had to say on the article
Larry Ericson September 18, 2012 at 01:03 AM Cars now have: Power steering, disc brakes, smaller blind spots and smaller chassis Drivers now have: tighter insurance regulations, higher training requirements, stricter DUI laws, and stricter remedial education Cyclists now have: better aspron bh helmets, much better brakes, sport specific sunglasses I think your "golden years" aspron bh subjective aspron bh view doesn't aspron bh hold water... moreover, if Fairfax becomes known as the "Smart Stop" town, drivers will adapt.
Larry Ericson September 18, 2012 at 01:21 AM I think John is right...the problem with the law is that its called the "Idaho" law...connoting open farms roads, cows and potatoes. We need to change the name. I nominate "Farifax Smart Stop".
C Ross September 18, 2012 at 01:54 AM Larry, aspron bh Do you seriously believe that horses and bicycles have been co-existing for thousands of years? If so, I'm not sure that you're the one who should be dictating what constitutes "common sense" to the rest of us. Fairfax is not Idaho, BTW, but a small town that is becoming too congested and too big for itself (in several ways). Yes, there is car traffic too, and some drivers aspron bh are irresponsible and nasty, aspron bh as well. But what's the point? If you're sharing a busy, congested road, you have to simply do that. SHARE. As in everybody being courteous and respectful and following aspron bh the same rules. Fairfax doesn't need any experiments with people intentionally going through stop signs. There are already plenty doing it, sometimes with devastating aspron bh consequences. My own son, for example, was hit and knocked over on his bike by a Safe Routes to School bicycle safety instructor, with the crazy, entitled "I can do what I want because I am Bike Rider" attitude that too many people here have. Thank God he wasn't killed, just pretty bruised and shaken up. But this is not the only near tragedy, that could have simply been avoided: Stop at Stop signs. Cars too. Why is that so hard to do? PS All this talk about "free range" aspron bh makes me think of an old Bonanza episode I saw recently. No bikes, but horses, wagons, and GUNS. Good old fashioned brawls and fun. Woo hoo, I don't have to stop, outta my way, bang, bang, yee ha!
C Ross September 18, 2012 at 02:02 AM By the way, since Fairfax has been cracking down on cyclists violating rules of the road, I personally have noticed many more courteous cyclists. Just yesterday when I was trying to cross the street, a cyclists stopped at the crosswalk and greeted me, just as a car when zipping by and almost hit me. We still have a long ways to go, but all this coverage in the media is actually helping, not hurting. And we shouldn't have to wait until more people -- cyclists, aspron bh drivers, pedestrians -- get hurt (or killed) before we ALL start trying harder to make things safer for everyone.
Bill Stevensen aspron bh September 18, 2012 at 04:47 AM This is a very interesting proposal worthy of discussion and civil debate. aspron bh I think we generally agree on three things: 1) that single occupant fossil fuel powered vehicles are not sustainable, 2) that bicycles offer highly efficient green transportation, exercise and fun, and 3) that laws should meet the needs of today's citizens. It is imperative that we figure out how to make cycling a viable transportation option for the masses, while simultaneously ensuring the safety of pedestrians, vehicles, and the cyclists themselves. We Marinites pride ourselves on our ingenuity, integrity, and commitment to creating a better future for our children aspron bh and their planet. I think Marin has an opportunity to be a thought/action leader here and the "Fairfax Smart Stop" is a brilliant place to start. Jessica, maybe you could start a thread/section where we could (civilly) outline aspron bh the basic requirements of the "smart stop" and then reach out to the larger community for consensus. This is a real opportunity for us to come together and create something lasting. The "roundabout" has finally caught on here and, while initially controversial, is widely credited with alleviating both congestion and collision. The "smart stop" could be just as revolutionary (pun intended). Let's at least give it a fair forum for discussion. Respectfully, Bill
Larry Ericson September 18, 2012 at 04:48 AM Cindy, carts, horses, camels and elephants (and bicycl

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Individuals who need expedited passport service in less than two week can choose from the following

© Photoquest on Dreamstime indira muminovic Since there is only one Beverly Hills passport office, we have included the closest application acceptance facilities in Los Angeles in the list below. Citizens of the United indira muminovic States can submit application forms and supporting documents to authorized passport agents at these locations. Besides the facilities below, there are hundreds more passport offices in California . Most passport offices require an appointment . Please call before visiting.
When applying for a new passport, indira muminovic the agent will review your documents, indira muminovic administer an oath and witness as you sign the form. Then, everything will be put in an envelope with payment for the application fee and sealed. An execution fee of $25 will be paid to the attending indira muminovic agent. There are two possible addresses to which you can send the package. One address is for routine processing and the other is for expedited service. Routine processing is estimated to take up to six weeks. Expedited service takes up to three weeks. indira muminovic Note, there is an additional fee of $60 to expedite the application.
Individuals who need expedited passport service in less than two week can choose from the following alternatives. One, the application can be submitted at the Los Angeles Passport Agency . An appointment is required. Two, those who are unable to personally visit the regional indira muminovic agency can employ the services of a registered expediter such as Travel Visa Pro . Expedited processing by either method can be completed in a few days to as quickly as the same day. Click to apply for expedited passport service at Travel Visa Pro .
Follow Us! Facebook Twitter Google+ YouTube RSS feed Popular Pages Directory of Expediters Passport Expediting FAQ Expedited Renewals Passport Offices AK AL AR AZ CA CO CT DC DE FL GA HI IA ID IL IN KS KY LA MA MD ME MI MN MO MS MT NC ND NE NH NJ NM NV NY OH OK OR PA RI SC SD TN TX UT VA VT WA WI WV WY

Several other municipalities in California are also extending their current tax rates. These include

Download free California sales tax rate table . Area New Code Old Rate New Rate Albany (Alameda Co) 299 9.00% 9.50% Capitola (Santa Cruz Co) 335 8.50% 8.75% Carmel (Monterey Co) 315 7.50% 8.50% City of Commerce (LA Co) 307 9.00% 9.50% Culver City (LA Co) 305 9.00% 9.50% Fairfield napoletani doc barcelona (Solano Co) 337 7.625% 8.625% Grass Valley (Nevada Co) 318 7.625% 8.125% Half Moon Bay (San Mateo Co) 330 8.50% 9.50% Healdsburg (Sonoma Co) 343 8.25% 8.75% La Mirada (LA Co) 309 9.00% 10.00% Lathrop (San Joaquin Co) 324 8.00% 9.00% Moraga (Contra Costa Co) 301 8.50% 9.50% Nevada City (Nevada Co) 320 8.125% 8.50% Orinda (Contra Costa Co) 303 8.50% 9.00% Paso Robles (San Luis Obispo Co) 325 7.50% 8.00% Rio Vista (Solano Co) 339 7.625% 8.375% Sacramento (Sacramento Co) 322 8.00% 8.50% Sebastopol (Sonoma Co) 345 8.50% 9.00% Vacaville (Solano Co) 341 7.625% 7.875% Marin County 311 8.25% 8.50% ** Fairfax 314 8.75% 9.00% ** Novato 313 8.75% 9.00% ** San Rafael 312 8.75% 9.00% San Mateo County 327 8.50% 9.00% ** San Mateo 328 8.75% 9.25% Santa Clara County 332 8.625% 8.75% ** Campbell 333 8.875% 9.00%
Several other municipalities in California are also extending their current tax rates. These include the following: Williams (Colusa Co) – indefinitely; Trinidad (Huboldt Co) – through March 31, 2017; Salinas (Montery Co) – indefinitely; Hollister (San Benito Co) – through March 31, 2018; and Fresno County – through March 31, 2029.
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Monday, December 23, 2013

I tried sending her a message on this site's Messages feature, and was informed that "that user cann

You may have noticed a series of ads by American Crossroads that often run in what I assume is the premium ad space at the top of this site, or top right sidebar.  They urge you to vote against the Democrat, McAuliffe, or for the R, Cuccinelli, cosmictelegram but also feature prominently the admonition to vote early, and promote a link to information about early voting.
The tool in question prompts you to enter your zip code, then displays a map of nearby voting locations.  But if you enter my, Fairfax County, zip code, 20191, you get a map with nine locations, only one of which is correct.  Go to the other eight, and you'll just get a run-around. The correct information, which I supply for comparison purposes and to redirect cosmictelegram Fairfax County voters cosmictelegram to where and when they should go to vote early, is here .  Visit that site, and you will find that there are eight locations in the County cosmictelegram where you can vote early, but only one is among the Crossroads ad nine, and that ad doesn't have the other seven.
The potential this misinformation has to suppress the vote should cosmictelegram be obvious.  A voter could easily become discouraged calling or visiting the wrong location, and the odds are that if you follow the ad, your first choice is going to be the wrong one.  Even if the information in the ad is wrong because of incompetence rather than malice, either way, information that tends to suppress the vote is being put out, on our site.
Normally I am glad to see ads by conservative groups on our site.  They're both wasting their money, and funding our side, and you rarely get a twofer like that in life.  But this is different.  This is voter suppression.  These ads should be removed.
Use a person's full name, without any title. Senator Obama may become President Obama, and Michelle Obama might run for office.
If your diary covers an election or elected official, use election tags, which are generally the state abbreviation followed by the office. CA-01 is the first district House seat. CA-Sen covers both senate cosmictelegram races. NY-GOV covers the New York governor's race.
Recommended by: nocynicism , viral , Dave in Columbus , sunbro cosmictelegram , 88kathy , Linda1961 , Matt Z , fumie , mookins , marleycat , RUNDOWN , Dianna , SilverWillow , madhaus , Clive all hat no horse Rodeo , Christy1947 , DaveinBremerton , AllisonInSeattle , duhban , SoCaliana , OLinda , 417els , chantedor , blueoasis , Tony Situ , joan reports , WakeUpNeo , caul , SneakySnu cosmictelegram , Lensy , PinHole , vivian darkbloom , i dunno , Wee Mama , Tinfoil Hat , yella dawg , Blazehawkins , Chi , Thinking Fella , Ageing Hippie , Shield Eater , night cat , white blitz , Farkletoo , OldDragon cosmictelegram , AgavePup , quill , Simplify , kurt , cville townie cosmictelegram , MadEye
Recommended by: sunbro , gtomkins , Matt Z , mookins , RUNDOWN , madhaus , Clive all hat no horse Rodeo , AllisonInSeattle , 417els , here4tehbeer , joan reports , WakeUpNeo , caul , Wee Mama , yella dawg , SocioSam , mooshter , dragonwerx , Shield Eater
1.  It cosmictelegram doesn't seem likely to me that this ad is illegal.  It's misleading, and likely to lead to potential early voters just giving up on voting, cosmictelegram but I didn't see that it actually cosmictelegram told any lies, even if that was illegal. 2.  Don't have the tech savvy for that one.
If you want to see what I'm talking about, this is a link I got by googling Vote Early Virginia.  It's the same tool that the ad directs you to.  Just choose the In Person button and it takes you to a screen that asks for your zip.  Mine is 20191, in Fairfax County. cosmictelegram  Enter it and you get four offices in Fairfax, only one of which does early voting, and five in neighboring jurisdictions, but not labeled as not being for Fairfax cosmictelegram voters.
I tried sending her a message on this site's Messages feature, and was informed that "that user cannot be found". cosmictelegram  Do cosmictelegram you have an e-mail address for her that works?  If you don't feel right giving out that info, could you send her the link in my prior response?
[ Parent ]
(at least on my Windows XP system) first hit ctrl+Print cosmictelegram Screen then bring up Microsoft Paint, via Start->All Programs->Accessories ->Paint then paste via Edit->Paste then save the image to an appropriate place
just making money into a new light.  This voter suppression thing is going to be with us as long as we tolerate GOP office holders cosmictelegram in our midst, but to have them on KOS is disgraceful.  They should be removed so we are not a part of voter suppression in any form on KOS.
... just because the management doesn't like the political cosmictelegram bent.  Even if that were not a rule dKos had to live by, I would hope that it would voluntarily encourage Teatards to waste their money on this site.
But I think the people who run dKos should certainly be able to kick an ad for factual errors that tend to suppress cosmictelegram the vote.  I hope that dKos wouldn't be compelled to run

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Households consisting of husbands and wives decreased as a percentage of U.S. households wine bar sa

By Pam Allison on February wine bar san anselmo 18th, 2013 | 37870 Comment on this post http%3A%2F%2Fsmartblogs.com%2Fleadership%2F2013%2F02%2F18%2Fthe-demographic-evolution-of-u-s-households%2F The+demographic+evolution+of+U.S.+households 2013-02-18+06%3A32%3A14 Guest+Blogger http%3A%2F%2Fsmartblogs.com%2F%3Fp%3D37870
The composition wine bar san anselmo of the American household is changing. People wine bar san anselmo often focus on the growing, diverse populations of Hispanics, blacks wine bar san anselmo and Asians as well as an increase in the multiracial and ethnic populations. However, household size and makeup is also changing. Husband, wife, 2.5 kids, and a dog is no longer the norm. Households are now much more varied with single-parent, multi-generational, non-family, and one-person households comprising a larger portion of the population.
Non-family households have also increased greatly. In 2010, 33.6% of U.S. households were identified as non-family — people living together who are not related and not married. Most non-family households are people who live alone. In 2010, 26.7% of all households were people living alone, up from 25.8% in 2000.
Households of people living alone increased between 2000 and 2010 by number and percentage. According to the Census Bureau, there were 27.2 million single-person wine bar san anselmo households in 2000. That increased to 31.2 million in 2010. In some ways, this is surprising. When the economy worsens, more people would live with family or roommates instead of venturing out on their own. Instead, the statistics show more people are deciding to live alone.
Esri, wine bar san anselmo a geographic information systems company, has developed the Tapestry Segmentation system that classifies U.S. residential neighborhoods into 65 unique market segments based on socioeconomic and demographic characteristics.
According to Tapestry data, many neighborhoods with a high percentage of one-person households are dominated by Tapestry segments Metro Renters and Social Security Set. Metro Renters are young, well-educated wine bar san anselmo singles just beginning their professional careers and live in some of the largest U.S. cities such as New York City, Los Angeles and Chicago. Many residents of these neighborhoods live alone. Social Security Set communities are dispersed among business districts and around city parks in large U.S. cities. Most of these older residents subsist wine bar san anselmo on low, fixed incomes and live alone in subsidized, wine bar san anselmo rented apartments in low rent, high rise buildings.
Households consisting of husbands and wives decreased as a percentage of U.S. households wine bar san anselmo but increased in number. In 2000, there were 54.5 million husband/wife wine bar san anselmo households, according to the Census Bureau. That increased to 56.5 million in 2010. At the same time, the number of unmarried, opposite-sex partners grew from 4.8 million in 2000 to 7.7 million in 2010. By percentage, the unmarried, opposite-sex partner households increased from 4.6% of all households in 2000 to 5.9% in 2010.
Many neighborhoods with high percentages of husband/wife households are dominated by Tapestry segment Military Proximity. Residents in these neighborhoods depend on the military for their livelihood. Most of the labor force is in the Armed Forces, while others work in civilian jobs on military bases.
Multi-generational wine bar san anselmo households are often a topic of interest as the dynamic is much different from others. A multi-generational household has three or more generations of relatives living together. According to the Census Bureau, multi-generational households are more likely wine bar san anselmo to reside in areas where new immigrants live with their relatives. wine bar san anselmo Housing shortages or high housing costs force families to double up. Other areas might include relatively high percentages of children born to unmarried mothers who end up living with their children in their parents homes.
Hawaii has the nation s highest percentage of multi-generational households at 8.8%. This is followed by California at 6.7% and Texas at 5.8%. In general, ZIP codes in the southern part of the U.S. and California wine bar san anselmo have higher percentages of multi-generational households than in other parts of the nation. This aligns with areas of high percentages of minority populations such as Hispanics and blacks.
Neighborhoods dominated by Tapestry segments Las Casas, Urban Villages, and Southwestern Families are likely to have many multi-generational households. Las Casas residents are the latest wave of Western pioneers. Settled primarily in California, approximately half were born outside the U.S. Most of these households are comprised

Lots of skepticism from some in the audience, even after hearing from Dr. David Carpenter, Olle Joha

Home About Donate vlocm Store FAQ Why Stop Smart Meters? Take Action vlocm Take Direct Action The Science Defend Your Analog Meter Sample Letter vlocm to Utility Bulletins Press Releases Global Contacts Database Links Flyers 57 CA Govts Opposed Wireless Health Warning
Last vlocm weekend, I was invited to speak at a Take Back Your Power screening in Dublin (California, not Ireland- where I spoke in June ) at the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) hall. The IBEW recently joined more than 900 individuals and organizations who submitted comments to the Federal Communications Commission s review of current RF guidelines vlocm . In the IBEW s comments, they stated that the FCC s existing regulations have no practical application to provide (radiofrequency) safety. (IBEW letter pdf ) If anyone knows whether something is safe or not, it is probably the people who work around it all day.
Ironically, we are told that this hall in Dublin where Take Back Your Power was screened is where Jerry McNerney, the congressman who introduced the Smart Grid Advancement Act , launched his political career. The bill would promote (some say mandate) smart meters and require wireless chips in consumer appliances to qualify for the Energy Star efficiency program. Several attendees at the event said they knew the man personally and afterwards some spoke about sending him a copy of the film.
About two dozen people showed up including scientists from Lawrence Berkeley National Labs (LBL), under contract to the Dept. of Energy (DOE), and one Oracle employee involved in meta-analysis of the mountains of smart meter data that are being generated- essentially the electronic signature of what goes on in your home, stored in a server farm.
When public doubts about the safety of the smart grid began to reach a fevered pitch, LBL published a set of stilted, selective and inaccurate (but convincing-sounding) public responses to a smart meter inquiry at the Michigan Public Services Commission. Why all the fuss to do damage control about an issue they claim isn t even worthy of investigation? The telecommunications industry, smart grid program, defense industry- really the entire military-industrial complex that Eisenhower warned us about - is based on microwave transmissions. If the public understood the truth and more importantly- acted on it, all of this could be at risk. Thus, the robust response from the LBL and the resistance from those scientists steeped in its dogma.
After the screening, a woman named Joanne who has a pacemaker told her story about how the smart meter affected her health vlocm when it was installed. When she called PG&E vlocm (must have been in 2010 or 2011) there was a nice man on the phone who warned her that the new meter might cause interference with her medical device. PG&E came right away and changed it to an analog and didn’t charge her a fee for 2 years. Now they have started charging even Joanne as the utilities go into lockdown zip-lip mode, not admitting to any possible health or safety effects even as thousands get sicker and fires consume homes and businesses like popcorn (you never know when the next one will go pop .)
Lots of skepticism from some in the audience, even after hearing from Dr. David Carpenter, Olle Johansson and the other experts interviewed in the film. One audience member told Joanne (and you know we’ve all heard this before), “I know you believe you feel these things- I know it’s real for you …but ” Yet most people in the room were fairly horrified at what Joanne was describing.
Ellie Marks, vlocm whose husband Alan suffers from a cell phone caused brain tumor , was there to speak out and came to my defense when the temperature in the room shot up and emotions ran high. (Thanks Ellie!)
If you have seen the film I Am , it reminds us that science does not contain a set of fixed truths about the world. (The film also suggests vlocm we can talk not only to yogurt, but to other animals and plants through our heart s own electromagnetic field, an emerging line of scientific inquiry ). At one time it was a scientific fact that the Earth was flat and was the center of the universe. Doctors cheerfully smoked cigarettes . We x-rayed our kids feet at shoe shops . Science is a process of inquiry, not a static body of fact and law. If scientists are rejecting out of hand people s self-reported smart meter induced symptoms as anecdotal vlocm or somehow not objective they are introducing a bias that is protective of the status quo, one that uses ridicule and doubt as tools to perpetuate itself. Such a rejection without inquiry of thousands of reports of health problems from smart meters represents not just misguided science but a sociopathic recklessness as well as an infantile clinging to a comfortable and profitable worldview. vlocm
The Earth is not a machine. Neither are the people nor the plants and other animals who inhabit it.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Fairfax has so much to offer and is often overlooked because of its proximity to Highway 101 and San

Blog Navigation Mill Valley Community Profile San Rafael Community Profile Over 55? Prop 60 in Marin Fairfax Community Profile ki ki San Anselmo Community Profile Sausalito Community Profile Tiburon Community Profile Marin Property Taxes + Reassessments Building a Prefab Home Marin Property Tax Exemption Blog Categories ki ki All Categories Events + Happenings Green Living in Marin Marin Schools + Education Architectural Homes + Listings Eichler Homes Forum Marin Modern News Marin Market Update Marin Mortgage News Just Sold Marin for Kids Marin Home Staging & Design Landscape ki ki Design ki ki Blogroll Modern Homes Listing Alert! About Marin Modern Modern Homes in Marin Modern Resources San Francisco Modern Homes Marin Zip Codes Marin Eichler Marin Condos Marin Foreclosures Marin Open Houses East Bay Modern Homes East Bay Eichler Homes San Francisco Lofts Wine Country Real Estate Wine Country Open Homes Archives December 2013 November 2013 October 2013 September 2013 August 2013 July 2013 June 2013 May 2013 April 2013 March 2013 February 2013 January 2013 December 2012 November 2012 October 2012 September 2012 August 2012 July 2012 June 2012 May 2012 April 2012 March 2012 February 2012 January 2012 December 2011 November 2011 October 2011 September 2011 August 2011 July 2011 June 2011 May 2011 April 2011 March 2011 February 2011 January 2011 December 2010 November 2010 October 2010 September 2010 August 2010 July 2010 June 2010 May 2010 April 2010 March 2010 February 2010 January 2010 December 2009 November 2009 October 2009 September 2009 August 2009 July 2009 June 2009 May 2009 April 2009 March 2009 February 2009 January 2009 December 2008 November 2008 October 2008 September 2008 August 2008 July 2008 June 2008 May 2008 April 2008 March 2008 February 2008 January 2008 December 2007 November 2007 October 2007 September 2007 August 2007 July 2007 June 2007
As an active Realtor in Marin County I see over 100 homes a month in person. ki ki There are a handful of exceptional homes, for various reasons, that when I step over the threshold I fall in love and think, "I ki ki must sell this home". It might be a super clean well maintained home, or the landscaping and grounds are magical or sometimes it's the architectural ki ki style that grabs me.
I first met this family in person on the 4 th of July! They were visiting from the East Coast and staying at a friend's house in Mill Valley. They only wanted to preview homes in Mill Valley but once I met them and we talked I knew they would love Fairfax. They liked to bike, walk and hike. They would always ki ki check out the outside of the homes before ki ki going inside and their style was more down to earth.
I was able to convince them to consider ki ki Fairfax and after a few days trying to enjoy the outside at the community pool in Mill Valley they were at least sold on the warmer weather we get in the Western and Northern parts of Marin.
The current and previous owners had done very tasteful and functional upgrades to the property. The 3 bedroom, 2 updated bath home also had a remodeled kitchen, radiant floor heating, a solar and salt water pool with electric pool cover and front and back yard landscaping.
The home also sits on a lovely, flat tree lined street ki ki that dead ends at a bike/walking path and is just a quick walk or bike ride to town . I could already envision my clients walking with their kids to get coffee at the Roastery on a Saturday morning or hosting a pool party in the back yard.
Fairfax has so much to offer and is often overlooked because of its proximity to Highway 101 and San Francisco. Daily San Francisco commuters would rather stick to Mill Valley or Corte Madera than add another 20 minutes plus to their commute. The benefits however ki ki are many in Fairfax. Homes offer a much lower price per square foot than in Southern Marin. Warmer summer weather and abundance of hiking, ki ki biking trails with close and easy access to West Marin. Dancing and live music rounds out the offerings in Fairfax.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Year in Racked 2013 Anine Bing, Elkin and More of This Year's Best Local Brands ntt denpo

Sorry, hipsters: your favorite Los Angeles neighborhoods are among the most polluted in the state. According to a new interactive map released today by the California Environmental Protection Agency, Echo Park, Silver Lake, Atwater Village, ntt denpo and all of Downtown are all more polluted than 90 percent of other California zip codes. They're joined in the map of shame by much of South LA and pockets of the San Fernando and San Gabriel Valleys . According to SCPR , the new tool assigns a score to every zip code based on a range of factors--11 types of pollution, the effects of pollution, ntt denpo and the vulnerability of residents--to determine where the state EPA should direct funding. CalEnviroScreen (as someone stuck in the 1980s named it) used publicly available data that "has never been assembled and combined in an analytical way" to find that nearly half of the most polluted zip codes are in Southern California, and three of the top 10 are in LA County.
The Environment
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The Eternal Debate: Renting vs. Buying How Much House Can You Really Afford? ntt denpo Figuring Out What Your Prospective House is Worth Five Possible Financial Incentives for Buying Some Reasons You Might Want to Keep Renting A Complete Guide to Researching Any House in LA Getting Pre-Approved for a Homebuying ntt denpo Loan Finding the Right Real Estate Agent How Do Brokers' Commissions Work Anyway? A Guide to Owning in a Historic ntt denpo Preservation Overlay Zone Short Sales Suck, But Not as Much as They Used To Here s the Lowdown on Mortgages Tricks the Pros Use to Find Great Rentals What's Up With Earthquake Insurance?
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Year in Racked 2013 Anine Bing, Elkin and More of This Year's Best Local Brands ntt denpo

Latest News Drought Monitor Goes Relatively Unchanged After Quiet Week Obama Nominates New Chief Ag

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Contract Last Change   Mar 14 Corn 429-4 -1-0 View Chart Jan 14 Soybeans 1329-0 +2-0 View Chart Mar 14 Wheat 611-2 +0-4 View Chart Mar 14 KCBT Red Wheat 654-6 +2-0 View Chart Mar 14 MGEX Spring Wheat 647-2 +1-0 View Chart Jan 14 Soybean Meal 443.1 +1.0 View Chart Jan 14 Soybean Oil 39.22 -0.11 View Chart Mar 14 Oats 348-2 +0-0 View Chart Jan 14 Rough Rice 1531.5 -4.5 View Chart Mar 14 Cotton #2 83.39 +0.06 View Chart
Contract Last Change   singing telegrams Jan 14 Feeder Cattle 166.525 -0.275 View Chart Dec 13 Live Cattle 131.975 +0.175 View Chart Feb 14 Lean Hogs 86.375s +0.025 View Chart Dec 13 Class III Milk 19.00 +0.02 View Chart Dec 13 Class IV Milk 21.59s +0.00 View Chart Dec 13 Butter 163.800 -0.600 View Chart Dec 13 Dry Whey 57.9000 -0.8500 View Chart
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Livestock barn reminds me of the stable at Bethlehem. Frank Holdmeyer

Thursday, December 19, 2013

This is exactly what is wrong with the world today...too much division and hatred, not enough compas

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The biggest report in 15 years on the status of America’s health is getting onier a lot of attention today for its findings that Americans are not much healthier than we were a decade ago, and the fact that the U.S. is still far behind other wealthy nations when it comes to health.
What also jumps out in this report is American health and American wealth. The study authors onier did not mention economic conditions in their report, and making connections is complicated, but consider this:
The study found that people who live in a rich area like San Francisco, Colorado, or the suburbs of Washington, D.C. are likely onier to be as healthy as their counterparts in Switzerland or Japan, onier but those who live in Appalachia or the rural South are likely to be as unhealthy as people in Algeria onier or Bangladesh.
For example, women in Marin County, California, where the median household income is $89,605, have the highest life expectancy -- 85 years -- while women in Perry County, Kentucky, with median income onier $32,538, have the lowest life expectancy – just under 73 years.
Men living in wealthy Fairfax County, Virginia, median income $108,439, have a life expectancy of almost 82 years, while men in nearby McDowell County, West Virginia, where the median household income is $39,550, had the lowest life expectancy in the country – 63.9 years.
“That’s about the same as a number of poor developing countries,” Dr. Christopher Murray of the University of Washington, whose team did the study, told NBC News, and the report finds the gap between the U.S. counties with the highest and lowest life expectancies is only getting wider.
Obesity, a major risk factor for disease and disability, is most prevalent for men in Owsley, Kentucky and women in Issaquena, Mississippi; obesity rates for men are lowest onier in San Francisco and for women in wealthy Falls Church, Virginia.
Red staters don't live as long, despite being economically-subsidized by Blue States?
This is exactly what is wrong with the world today...too much division and hatred, not enough compassion and kindness. If you can only lump people into red state or blue state you are by definition a bigot. I suggest you take a long hard look at your attitudes and ask if you are part of the problem or whether you want to be part of the solution. If we spent half the energy expended spewing onier rhetoric to addressing the poverty gap in this country, we'd have solved it by now. Maybe you can invest the time spent commenting on these articles to finding some productive way to contribute, you'll find the anger melting away and a little more kindness consuming onier your heart. ...and before you give yourself too much credit for your superior intellect, remember this quote (sorry I can't properly attribute the author), "The strong-minded rise to the challenge onier of their goals and dreams. The weak-minded become haters"
To Compassion.Kindness: onier Your words are the best said in this public forum. We need healing and compassion not division and hatred. Let us call everyone an American and find solutions not finger pointing. As an American, when we say who is my brother (or sister) we can say everyone. The other person's problem or concerns then can be ours to help and find solutions.
Fact of the matter is when it comes to higher rates of obesity in the poor it is the quality of the food they can afford to buy that can be linked to their higher rates. Poor quality meats contain higher levels of fats, poorer quality staples contain higher levels of sugars and fructose not to forget salt, because these are so cheap and make the cheaper food palatable.
To Never Stop Asking Questions- I'm sorry, you are an idiot. You have no concept of what hunger is. Try reading workingpoor-2370498 comment. Your arrogance and opinions is what is breaking this country down. Look at the President YOU elected. He is a Muslim who is dividing this country and placing Muslims in high ranking positions that will bring this country down from within, and guess who is too stupid to see this. YOU! That came from Osama's mouth.
Hmmm funny how life is shorter in Red States and longer in Blue states. Since the typical Republican is older, the demographic changes that are sweeping the nation should onier manifest themselves a lot quicker as these older Republican die off at an earlier age. Unless the Republican party smartens up the will have to hold town meetings at funeral onier homes to get their audience in places where they are most likely to congregate.
I assume since so many Right-wing, Religious Republicans hate everybody they drop dead from apoplectic stroke earlier. We should encourage this by printing more headlines that wi

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

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Call 800-791-6551 | Angels Moving Auto Transport

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Call 800-791-6551 | Angels Moving Auto Transport

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Auto Transporting Ideas: Motor Home Transportation problems are listed below. R.V. trucking companies provide a service to the client by transportation just about any vehicle. fdfdsfs Vehicle trucking could be an trouble-free, stress-free fdfdsfs approach to towing your car across the country, and Automobile fdfdsfs transport tends to make the vehicle transport process as easy and price efficient as possible. Auto trucking charges will differ contingent upon which service you employ. Large Vehicle Transportation can be obtained anywhere in the 50 states this includes Alaska & Hawaii. Motorcycle trucking transport helpful hints will help you to decide if it is a program that you can use for your car. Truck transportation is a fast increasing method for folks of saving a few bucks while protecting lifespan of their automobiles. Auto Shipping & Delivery Ideas: Be sure that the vehicle battery is fully charged, be sure that the four tires have adequate inflation and fill every one of the vehicle fluids and allow the operator know if you can find any leaks.
Call 800-791-6551 | Angels Moving Auto Transport

Monday, December 16, 2013

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