Sunday, December 22, 2013

Households consisting of husbands and wives decreased as a percentage of U.S. households wine bar sa

By Pam Allison on February wine bar san anselmo 18th, 2013 | 37870 Comment on this post The+demographic+evolution+of+U.S.+households 2013-02-18+06%3A32%3A14 Guest+Blogger
The composition wine bar san anselmo of the American household is changing. People wine bar san anselmo often focus on the growing, diverse populations of Hispanics, blacks wine bar san anselmo and Asians as well as an increase in the multiracial and ethnic populations. However, household size and makeup is also changing. Husband, wife, 2.5 kids, and a dog is no longer the norm. Households are now much more varied with single-parent, multi-generational, non-family, and one-person households comprising a larger portion of the population.
Non-family households have also increased greatly. In 2010, 33.6% of U.S. households were identified as non-family — people living together who are not related and not married. Most non-family households are people who live alone. In 2010, 26.7% of all households were people living alone, up from 25.8% in 2000.
Households of people living alone increased between 2000 and 2010 by number and percentage. According to the Census Bureau, there were 27.2 million single-person wine bar san anselmo households in 2000. That increased to 31.2 million in 2010. In some ways, this is surprising. When the economy worsens, more people would live with family or roommates instead of venturing out on their own. Instead, the statistics show more people are deciding to live alone.
Esri, wine bar san anselmo a geographic information systems company, has developed the Tapestry Segmentation system that classifies U.S. residential neighborhoods into 65 unique market segments based on socioeconomic and demographic characteristics.
According to Tapestry data, many neighborhoods with a high percentage of one-person households are dominated by Tapestry segments Metro Renters and Social Security Set. Metro Renters are young, well-educated wine bar san anselmo singles just beginning their professional careers and live in some of the largest U.S. cities such as New York City, Los Angeles and Chicago. Many residents of these neighborhoods live alone. Social Security Set communities are dispersed among business districts and around city parks in large U.S. cities. Most of these older residents subsist wine bar san anselmo on low, fixed incomes and live alone in subsidized, wine bar san anselmo rented apartments in low rent, high rise buildings.
Households consisting of husbands and wives decreased as a percentage of U.S. households wine bar san anselmo but increased in number. In 2000, there were 54.5 million husband/wife wine bar san anselmo households, according to the Census Bureau. That increased to 56.5 million in 2010. At the same time, the number of unmarried, opposite-sex partners grew from 4.8 million in 2000 to 7.7 million in 2010. By percentage, the unmarried, opposite-sex partner households increased from 4.6% of all households in 2000 to 5.9% in 2010.
Many neighborhoods with high percentages of husband/wife households are dominated by Tapestry segment Military Proximity. Residents in these neighborhoods depend on the military for their livelihood. Most of the labor force is in the Armed Forces, while others work in civilian jobs on military bases.
Multi-generational wine bar san anselmo households are often a topic of interest as the dynamic is much different from others. A multi-generational household has three or more generations of relatives living together. According to the Census Bureau, multi-generational households are more likely wine bar san anselmo to reside in areas where new immigrants live with their relatives. wine bar san anselmo Housing shortages or high housing costs force families to double up. Other areas might include relatively high percentages of children born to unmarried mothers who end up living with their children in their parents homes.
Hawaii has the nation s highest percentage of multi-generational households at 8.8%. This is followed by California at 6.7% and Texas at 5.8%. In general, ZIP codes in the southern part of the U.S. and California wine bar san anselmo have higher percentages of multi-generational households than in other parts of the nation. This aligns with areas of high percentages of minority populations such as Hispanics and blacks.
Neighborhoods dominated by Tapestry segments Las Casas, Urban Villages, and Southwestern Families are likely to have many multi-generational households. Las Casas residents are the latest wave of Western pioneers. Settled primarily in California, approximately half were born outside the U.S. Most of these households are comprised

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