Saturday, January 18, 2014

2013 (1) July (1) 2012 (36) September (1) August (7) July (27) Kiddie pool adventures fairfax inn fa

I hate getting mail! It seems like every time I go collect the mail, there's always something fairfax inn fairfax ca in there that I don't want or need. Today it was bills. Why does it cost over $1000 to be hooked up to a heart monitor for 15 minutes?? Is there something magical inside that machine that I should know about? I highly doubt it. I'm all for paying our bills and getting things taken care of in a timely manner but you can bet your ass, we'll be sending in payments for this $1000 and I'll be calling about this so-called bill first!! I'm so irritated right now. Ugh. In other news, my MIL made me a homemade fairfax inn fairfax ca birthday cake yesterday. fairfax inn fairfax ca It was chocolate with cream cheese frosting. It was delicious... fairfax inn fairfax ca and SWEET! So sweet that it made my teeth ache for a couple minutes afterwards. Y'ouch! It was really good though. Lil' Miss is stirring so that's my cue to hop off here.
2013 (1) July (1) 2012 (36) September (1) August (7) July (27) Kiddie pool adventures fairfax inn fairfax ca Another social networking site... Picture dump Guilty and working on it (Need suggestions!) Halloween fairfax inn fairfax ca band wagon I don't want to be pregnant anymore! Fiverr Letting it out. More on my thoughts about living in the country I'm ready to move now please! I wish I were joking! Terrible 2s early! Earning a little on the side (Part 1) Why are my children animals? My princess, the gas machine. 21 week check up I love MBRV! 30 years ago on this day... My heart is heavy today. Did our weekend just happen? Web answers and making money online. Can your kids reach locks?? I love lazy days Today is just not my day. Kitchen Chairs are the devil. Today is a great day! Thank God for small favors! Another record breaking day! June (1)

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