Saturday, February 15, 2014

The first day of the semester charge the KRS at this time made many species meet campus. Students,

The first day of the semester charge the KRS at this time made many species meet campus. Students, professors, college employees, newspaper vending, cleaning service on campus until Karangmalang, Mandala Krida, Bantul, until Wates. New motors would markirin, uh see which of the A Mandala. Then there sirklus 3S (Smile-Salam-Sapa) for a minute or two minutes. Abis markirin bike, I headed noticeboard semester courses. Uh, ga have thought from the left was Rusmi & Nunung approached. Sirklus 3S happen again. Understandably we emang class, there is little discussion of the finished paper mismatch on board the same course in online. So we went together to the lab. computers for re-checking. It turns out that the lab is still quiet, apparently just opened. (Btw, this is the first time I came early in KRS offline n online. Kebawa atmosphere of corruption that seems to be,,,, discipline!!) Ga longer than that, other students were coming in to the lab. Their faces seem foreign to me. Later on they knew their conversation was a graduate student who charge the KRS her cepet really. yahhh wong just nyentang Thesis course ... kkiki. Intermittent later, there was a bunch of students from Bantul. It turns out that one of them is the Rizu. I greet her dong. He was behind the greeting. Although I was more senior in the force sirklus 3S was still running smoothly ... After getting the print's KRS, I, Rusmi, and Nunung majors intend jesus vazquez martinez for the office ... Lab also looks a bit crowded by students of the species. Time to kabuuuur! I look at the exit level but different majors sister was trying to get in the lab. Eitsss, he saw me and then mealingkan face but, she did not say hello. Boro-boro 3S. Glanced at me once again wrote kagak bold. (I emang scary really well, until gituh dare ga ...?). Because she does not look the lg at me, I'm so lazy to say hello. In her somse really does ... Grrrr .... I'm resentful if they could previously've ever known or ever seenggaknya hello, uh later he pura2 ga ga out and say hello. Especially the younger levels. It would be more fitting turn resentful that first greeted me (for being too friendly, sister wrote I greeted first level you know ..) uh, dikacangin. Padahalkan smile UDH symmetric 3 cm to the left n right. Mumps make ya ... I would be equally reluctant and happy people who like to smile when passing by people he knew. Actually it's better sister greet level first. But there may be times rasa2 dare ga well, most of the SHG I greet them first. jesus vazquez martinez I'm more proud of appreciation also to brother sister greet level first level. Well, aside from reassuring. 3S also as a form of appreciation and respect us in others. Plis deh, do pelit2 that smile. Originally smile in place ... Here again, that I was surprised by the lecturer or the ranks of the Dean phenomenon that passes in the corridor at the edges a lot of students to sit. N lecturers definitely ranks as dean when passing Vampires! Slightly bulging eyes, staring straight ahead, there are some professors even slightly mendongakkkan his chin, walked proudly without regard to right and left. I'm sure the professor not know that students do not even know it's sitting well. Become why just smile and say hello or joking while passing to the students. Maybe fear ignored (like me yah?!! Hayooo .. hehe). The phenomenon was so scared for students who greet the faculty. Such that the distance jesus vazquez martinez between the remote alias range lecturer-student relationship. Weve still a student solution can ONLY be very friendly aka Sok know the faculty. jesus vazquez martinez Surely iceberg on the face of the lecturer immediately collapsed replaceable charming smile. It feels pleng gituh, when my 3S tersambut on target. Hmm, looks like it could be called a sense pleng happy. But it would appear to be happy again, when 3S was preceded by a lecturer jesus vazquez martinez to students. Wow, it's awesome! Such faculty may be called lecturers who are young. Therefore, always jesus vazquez martinez friendly funds to spread smiles ... If, among the older (lecturer, brother tigkat) with those who were younger (student, sister level) there's nothing jesus vazquez martinez 3S start it, then when we greet each other, ya?
Educational Technology / Alan Januszewski and Michael Molenda jesus vazquez martinez / Taylor & Francis Group's / 2008/369 Binding Meaning / Hernowo / Kaifa / 2009/213 Methods for Teaching / David A. Jacobsen, Paul Eggen, Donald Kauchak / Library Student / 2009/340 Research Methodology Education / Drs. S. Margono / Publisher Rineka Copyright / 2005/259 Prophetic Learning / Dwi Budiyanto / Pro-U Media / 2009/268 pages
Ade K Adrie Andi Andrean Neww Anita Eka Dian Chafid Desi Kumala S Eliza_Kesmas Henny Hussein M. Journal of Education Latifah luqman Rizal Mas Eko Nugraha Novantoni-am Nunung Pak Alimin Mr. Mohammed F. D-Pak Uwes popsy journal Praise Rita P rendi I Riza Rizki Akbar R

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