Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Delegates disgust and negativity are back with a new album, candy gram sayings aptly entitled

NAILS - Abandon All Life
Delegates disgust and negativity are back with a new album, candy gram sayings aptly entitled "Abandon All Life". CD was recorded at God City traditionally with Kurt Ballou, so the board sounds great. But all is not just Kurt merit. Whereas in the meantime the band have new member, guitarist Saba, still plays traskavejšiu charge as the previous album "Unsilent Death". Even though the bands of this excavation is the expectation of musical progression just wishful thinking, NAILS are developed and their new album is to feel. Except that the sound of the recording is denser this time, thanks to the other guys guitar can outfit even the hitherto unexplored territory. If the NAILS "Unsilent Death" coped with their models, candy gram sayings the current album turned into a full band with the proper term.
NAILS its supersonic crust / grind began to inflate staromilským and really candy gram sayings dirty death metal. They noted that the rapid passages candy gram sayings stand out much more if they will mesh with imaginative fluctuating hardcore interlude. The band have increasingly focused on sophistication and resourcefulness riffs, so now be read on knowing more "technical" than the previous board, as evidenced particularly slow Intermezzo ("Wide Open Wound"), full of dissonant feedback and mighty stench-corových riffs and crustových . Vocalist Tod sat singing on his good chunk higher than we used to. Its execution time is much "štipľavejší". Deranged circus named NAILS propels forward with even more vigor than before Enjoy the inhuman metallic d-beat-attacks, the primitive inhumane slaughters flash bordering power violence ("Tyrant" and "Absolute Control"), the old-school grind- perverse manifestations of love ("God's Cold Hands" and "Abandon All Life") or violent aggressive pounding his fist in the face ("Cry Wolf"). NAILS are all about brute force. Their music serves as a sieve through which filtered disgust and frustration. Hatred to all and to all. If you enjoy bands that combine "old crustový" metal "new candy gram sayings coercive" hardcore, sludge and grind better album than "Abandon All Life" is currently black and herbal varieties. Despite the short Movie is a highly addictive candy gram sayings and lasting affair. NAILS are 2013 big "fuck you" to all the trendy kvázidrsňákom who are dangerous around like a pack of puppies pug.
with the band YOUNG AND IN THE WAY:
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