Friday, January 23, 2015

How we look into ourselves, it is also the views of others to us. If we consider ourselves to be fr

Tips engrossed interesting dídac lee personal jd .. | Kikiy Cliquers Private TuNGkCall
Click kyy sahabat'a 5.174 hits highest kiy1210cliquersz No Recent Comments on Biography dídac lee Biography purple on purple donaemons adie on KiKiy Neah .... Children Tungka ... nadcliquers on KiKiy Neah .... Children Tungka dídac lee ... Mr WordPress on KiKiy Neah .... Children Tungka ...
If there is a figure that we think is suitable for inspiration for ngedapetin dijadiin personality okay, please state !! Can anyone koq. Can neighbor down the hall, because he tajir and g 'hesitate to help others dídac lee without thinking about himself. Not to mention: he was cute ,. Or like the same erik "Samson" because of his style on the stage and humble attitude. Well, that's our own choice.
So people with an engaging personality very closely related with our listening skills. You know, when I first met and talked, people tend to like to talk about himself. True, we might g 'realize that we ourselves are so, like talking about myself. So, if we meet for the first time with people, especially if we are interested in him, usahain 90% of our conversation dídac lee was to know him.
Start a conversation with someone, preferably about things light and fun. "Waah..enda cool purple tu yaachh ,, especially her perform on stage if another maen ... !!! It was more fun than say, "Aahhh..bete..dari merely rain yesterday, my laundry g 'dry-dry me, where my room was leaking ..". Guaranteed g 'is nothing like a long time chatting with Mr. or Miss Complain.
How we look into ourselves, it is also the views of others to us. If we consider ourselves to be friendly, and fun, so do others. If we nganggap ourselves shy, others certainly think the same. So, as much as possible the value ourselves with positive things and throw away the negative dídac lee things from ourselves.
Make a list of things we can do, positive things about us. Things that the make us proud of ourselves. dídac lee Eitss, but who honestly yes ,. G 'need deh lebay aka excessive or sebalikya, timid to make the list. It's for our own.
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