Friday, May 29, 2015

And news Science and Technology Astronomy Gadgets Medicine Technology Planet Earth Mysteries Conspi

The Earth is apparently approaching psalm 136 alien spacecraft |
And news Science and Technology Astronomy Gadgets Medicine Technology Planet Earth Mysteries Conspiracy strange phenomena happened Nature Discoveries History Curiosities Category Navigation and news Science and Technology Astronomy psalm 136 Gadgets Medicine Technology Planet Earth Mysteries Conspiracy strange phenomena happened Nature Discoveries History Curiosities psalm 136
The creators of international SETI project, which deals with the search for extraterrestrial civilizations sounded the alarm. They noticed that the Earth is approaching several large objects. Their signals psalm 136 were supposed to capture aerial navies USA.
Bodies that are seen in the images actually resemble space vessels. The problem is that, in fact, can also form clusters. psalm 136 The only evidence are photographs on which is really something special - the question is what.
There are comments SETI researchers: "These objects we have known for some time, and we assure psalm 136 that it is really alien ships. NASA does not want them, but to inform and refuses to publish the images. These spaceships are approaching earth, and the government knows about it. "
"I talked with my former colleagues from SETI and they informed me that it was clearly an alien ship. The government is in touch with them through HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program - US scientific program intended primarily to monitor auroras. According to conspiracy theories but it's actually a geophysical and ionospheric psalm 136 weapon, ed., Ed.). Vessels psalm 136 are now in the constellation BS2-47 +.06. "
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Again, it is what people write !! Unsubstantiated things.
Reptilian greyovia to us here and we pohadzuju officially knows where aliens su ... .par families that govern our world zapredalo ... Let us stick together as a race and cancels the monetary system which taha us to hell ,,, Search, psalm 136 patrajte to nete ... .prednašky David Icke Alex Collier, Alex Jones, and in general economic situation najbohatsych States, the world is not normal ... I just sat poloitici deceit in his mouth, and as we always ludstco REASONABLE ... we have to change the foundation psalm 136 of the world ... inquiring minds of you will find your answer ...
te of photos about nobody nevycte but when we think of the universe as it is grandiose, then absolutely everyone psalm 136 will understand that they are not alone and those who do not mind have too foolish ego..navic every old culture from the Egyptian, Mayan, or even Dogon tribe svich clearly illustrated in the paintings of the observations we have several thousand years ..
Hello folks, for life beyond our familiar Earth believe, however, report about the approaching spacecraft denied on its official website SETI itself. Nobody like Craig Kasnov in SETI has never worked once upon a time worked on the screensaver SETI @ home Craig Kasnoff, which, however, strongly denied any connection psalm 136 with the particulars given "quoted" Kasnovem. So just another duck, my friends ... nice days, perhaps we left them more than nearly two hundred ;-)
just to come look at what those motherfuckers in the government do when there just to let you send out their lasers have if it: D and the photo on p ** with the quality of it as de see anything as if there is spilled ink kokot
HAARP, well this is it, as soon as I read it is that dipped this contraption is clear. I bet that the DARPA-of'm no longer iterate and programs on television just an idea. Since then she goes there all the time just porn :-))))
Who monitors the least bit of life around them, we find out that in all things is politics. It's very interesting, but, unfortunately, so it must be. Let's say that NASA has published a truthful info about Space ship, which is already several centuries in the craters on the moon, which found the pilots. And very likely, give a report on the incursions of our planet. Chaos, psalm 136 panic. psychotraumatic shocks, thieving, destroying themselves apart. Life must work up to the last moment let whatever is going on. The economy would fall as schnite apple from the tree. We have to take everything with a smile on your face. And let's say you lead us came here to rescue before the big treskom with our planet. psalm 136 And for a few thousand years recultured this earth life. Where the end is a new beginning. After all, it's amazing, beautiful, up to me wants to believe hi hi hi ... .Užívajme you obey the voice of the heart, obey themselves apart, the inside of her, her alter ego. A lot of us a hint ... you ..Poviem story: Now there was a summer-evening psalm 136 lard we have with neighbors on a bench and talked popíjali, when suddenly he saw som 4 - luminous objects red color above ground for about three meters in size eggs wavy like fireflies, independent

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