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Culture | Saturday, 01 August, 2009" Young Musicians "For three competitions of ersang the 12 - year-old John Grimm always the best rating it once was - so at least begin most fairy tales. No made-up story by the Brothers Grimm, however, is the fact that the Gmuender chorister John Grimm, a mere twelve years old recently convinced music experts nationwide with his singing. From Giovanni Deriu SINGING. In the final competition he reached the maximum number of 25 points. With Schubert's "Trout". But not alone. And that raises the 12 - year-old John Grimm, wake up with his eyes, and his engaging style, the same show. As a duo, John Grimm appeared with his friend Leonard grams. Johannes Grimm with his voice, and Leonard grams as a companion with his hands on piano. It'll also be on "Team psalmul 50 al lui david Work" on, says John Grimm. Both - in other words, Grimm and grams, sang and played as (good) that the experts "Young Musicians" in the jury of the competition, neither the Vorentscheidungs meetings at regional, state, and as the last in Essen, at the federal level slightly suspend had. There was probably only business-like silence before, then a little psalmul 50 al lui david surprise, a little later the award - again "we earned psalmul 50 al lui david us 25 points, the highest score," John Grimm says proudly. A lot of time but he did not, he apologized, calling the duties, he should practice, and the handball training at SG Bettringen psalmul 50 al lui david he wants too. John Grimm, students on the Scheffold High School, loves his music, he makes clear to us - because psalmul 50 al lui david he hardly stayed psalmul 50 al lui david so long there when it "would not be fun to me." The singing was just great, "can kicking but everyone," says Grimm and looks at us innocently. Only one thing he does not like, which is to sing on command - if it ask classmates, "come, trill us a little bit ago." But the school choir he gladly assist. With three John began to sing, mostly with his aunt, the former headmistress, psalmul 50 al lui david Ursula May The "aunt" was also very musical. The church music director, Sundays Sheila Angel Benz, promotes John - the must contribute his voice from now on in Capellachören. The sport as a balance to the way singing is also important not only for better lung's volume. Of course, John would like to run around with friends. Otherwise, however, a lot of discipline is needed, the means but also his CIS choral conductor Friedemann Keck. The motto of the conductor, "chaos is produced faster than the discipline," John is one-to-one resist. For the CIS choir (Collegium Iuvenum) in Stuttgart, an "ecumenical choir," John sings for almost five years. It makes it fun to be able to contribute his voice, singing over 120 boys and young men, and practice almost every day. Not only spiritual songs to "church concerts" would but sung. Even the classic songs and modernity would not be too short. psalmul 50 al lui david John Grimm finds himself the "a cappella group Wise Guys super". Even wrote funny lyrics were these "group" without psalmul 50 al lui david instruments for the best. The vocal samples to Stuttgart he goes twice a week. Someone from his family then accompany him always in train. The longer trips he used also to "learn a bit 'for the school. Once a week he trains psalmul 50 al lui david in addition his voice at the "vocal coach" Dorothee Gloger. Then Leonard gram is at the piano there. Besides practicing the little fury even at the piano under the guidance of pianist, Vitaliya Fedodenko, But the song was the genre that best please the little mischievous sopranos, Grimm. Each choir has its own voice, and together would all "so great" harmony, the student says. In addition, he had already experienced, great were the trips that already psalmul 50 al lui david had him come around with the choirs worldwide. Recently they toured Canada, Edinburgh stands on soon, in La Coruna and Prague Grimm was about it. In John will certainly get 40 appearances in concerts and church services. What's next? Eventually, says the 12 - year-old quietly, follow the

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