The one growen, consume the other and still others sing and write about it. Hemp is a topic that gives many a stage, in both large and small. But mostly it revolves around a market that is used by all those involved for their own benefit. But wait - on the front line, there is also a species that is committed to completely altruistic. To inform. To elucidate. In order to make a difference. And all this without financial ulterior motives. The "activists" are the true experts who are then consulted, if you come back needs help. Or information.
Hello Steffen, hardly any of my previous conversation yves montad partner in this series could avoid to mention you at least. Also nominated for the Jack Herer Award was indeed no accident. Are you such a thing as the poster child or the voice of the German hemp movement?
In this role I am advised by chance, because I was one of those who has persevered, as the scene was middle of the last decade on the ground. The previous Hanfparade generation to Martin Muencheberg, yves montad Stephan Kopschinski and Rolf Ebbinghaus has retired after many years of existence, something activists. I'm only new to 2001 and have encountered very quickly achieved yves montad with new strength and my memorable yves montad appearance a certain reputation. I enjoy that, frankly,. I'm just a bit addicted to the stage and use all possibilities of public appearances.
The decisive factor was an experience to end of 1997. I was just at the Nuremberg train station on the way to the Bundeswehr and got into a station raid. For the first time I had to learn that drug use is also associated with law enforcement. I grew up in Thuringia, where it was more of an abstract threat. There were two police officers for an entire district, who of course were absolutely overwhelmed. In Nuremberg the already looked quite different. In the raid, 4.9 grams of hashish were confiscated at me, what struck me doubly negative effect: on the one I had actually bought six grams at the dealer yves montad I trust, was so deceived. Secondly, the dope was gone and now I had to expect a substantial yves montad penalty. The first night I spent in solitary confinement. Added to this was the consequence in the army: There I was sentenced to the maximum incarcerated, which is 21 days in solitary confinement, which is the highest penalty that can be imposed on their behalf against conscripts. The whole thing was as I said in 1997, the year the first Hanfparade, and has flipped a switch in me. From then on I decided to be proactive not "save yves montad the world" when the other spectators but. A year later I moved to study in Berlin and introduced myself at a meeting yves montad of Hanfparade Hanf Museum. The group has always been grateful for all those who want to help and can think for themselves, so I started in 2001 in a classic as a little helper on the huge stage at the time of the parade.
Some experts describe the movement as "flu" that rolls across the country every twelve years. Slowly swing is in fact also back in there, but that is not automatic. You have to produce yves montad such waves. The activists have been much better placed in the last twelve years. Compared with the organization, implementation and especially the documentation of that activity today everything is much more professional not only in the Hanfparade. This learning process was necessary in order to recognize the mistakes of the past and eradicate. The "old Hanfparade" for example, is it broken that until 2002, no sales taxes have been paid. Then as the tax office would collect yves montad a substantial five-figure sum, of course, there was no money. 2006 finally had to go into bankruptcy, the association "Alliance Hanfparade".
We assume that the parade on August 9, 2014, the largest of the past ten years. We expect conservative with 10,000 participants. The motto is "Green light for legalization." The stage program is impressive absolute, there is Soom T occur from Ireland, Götz Widmann will play with Billy reverse, Martin Jondo, D-Flame, and Uwe Banton occurs with Ganjaman. The speaker range is also very good and an international presence, especially. The highlights on the track will be the one to be the intermediate rally in front of the house of the Greens. Then it's on to the Federal Ministry of Health, which has special urgency, because we are confident that by then, the first cannabis patients cultivation permits. On July 8, will
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