Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Monica, I will come in Kalmar in the first days of January, when you are still in Ro :). But we cer

It was raining telemesagem continuously for 30 hours. And he will not stop, on the contrary, telemesagem it seems to Friday we will have snow. Or who knows, maybe when winter comes she wants, like last year when we woke up one morning with white windows and took four months to see how it starts to melt ... If I miss the snow? Yes, but keep reasonable, so as a beautiful telemesagem winter telemesagem :).
Apropirea sees school holidays. Silvia doing things for Advent and Christmas ornaments in the house. A decorated a jar that we put candle made out of colored paper, very simple and ingenious. Work every day to "theater" them, I'll show it to you soon. And Diana give tests over tests. Each after age, right? :)
I work all week, go in the morning almost night (then starts to shine) and come home in total darkness. Today at 15 o'clock today when I looked outside it was already telemesagem dark. Not that they would be fully enlightened than "day" :). But I like the illuminated trees began to appear in town, stars lit in windows and on Sunday I'm sure people will put electric candles in the windows, celebrating the first Sunday of Advent. The city is artificial lights this time, the day is short and will soon reach 6:00 ... the day is actually a bit inaccurate to say :). I hope you manage and arrange telemesagem the house for the holidays until we, but maybe not ... because we did until Saturday Knack, ischoklad and lussekatter to sell class children Diane (and it of course) Christmas Fair in the city . I think that you have already used to raise money so for the summer ...
Start supplies Christmas, and New Year, I will work almost every day until Christmas Eve, and after, you have to take every day off now, you can go straight to all. Serious planning is required :). Still not thinking about January when the first days of Kalmar will have to go to get my student room in reception arranged to leave a little ... no sun in the middle of January ... more time ...
That's right, I leave the darkness and the darkness come :( Even if it's only 3-4 hours. I dread the day after tomorrow when I get home at 10 at night. Anyway, just watch the clock if you realize it's so late :) Your program sounds good! I love that work and that you manage to get and gymnastics and dance! Bravo! Keep up the good work! Diana Bafta tests and can not wait to see the wonders of his hands Silvia! Many kisses!
Harn ardeleanca !!! :) I hope that in January and can not forget me and we manage to see (meet) !!! When you no more snow? In Kalmar snowed today I stepped on the snow "virgin" and I tareeeeee -as ......... enjoy winter snow as 4 months provided telemesagem a mountain MACAR :(, but this is, we can not have everything. Strange here (as I've telemesagem written and in the mail) already start preparing for Christmas and I was outside all night Christmas wonder what they will enjoy !! ??? The more gifts under the tree, I guess :) . Increase the job you want! And although I did not get to see what you will do and networks for Diana fair if you want you can send a very good recipe, cheap and tasty, kind of biscuits payments. It's ready in 15 minutes 10 Prepared baking and ...... .miroase house that Christmas. Let me know of your interest. Maybe do a rehearsal for Sorin now before Christmas to see the likes moreover that today go to surgery and I can give pain to forget dessert. Kiss Me, Monica
Monica, I will come in Kalmar in the first days of January, when you are still in Ro :). But we certainly see in February, when they come to school. No, we still is not snow, it snowed telemesagem last night but all melted, then it rained ... The crackers can not get them to the fair, I had no choice each from a list proposed by some parents (which deals organization), but I get the recipe for my pleasure. Let the write email, you pup. :)
Mihaela, sounds good your occupations in this period. Even with more photos please let us spoil if too much time writing will be. And if you did not photograph any time, ask Diana to handle :) I wish you good day!
Oooof, well what to photograph in the dark now? :) After decorating the house for Christmas, I'll try to take pictures inside ... Diana was preparing with a colleague to take pictures today, but it rained all day and lapovitzat (so to speak :)).
Mihaela, I was thinking the photos from the Christmas fair, seem very romantic these fairs. Maybe I dream too much because I have such fair with me :) And you're right, I do not realize how dark it to you.
Advent each year is variable, ie count four Sundays before Christmas, when it first Advent. In each of these Sundays lights a candle, but the first is the most important ... it gives st

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