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Cd. Acuña, Coah. ante tissue breakdown from all sectors of society in the country, as well as in different regions of the state of Coahuila, spiritual and programs need to be targeted at young people shishtavec 2013 mainly work to recover their values and incorporate shishtavec 2013 new features to the space that they have lost. Said the above, the evangelist missionary Laura Roldan Gonzalez, who develops a series of conferences aimed at within the family and youth, as well as people who have fallen into despair for various reasons, so urged to attend the event that held next Saturday at 9:00 am, in a sector of the colony Enrique Martinez y Martinez, which seeks to help by offering talks with messages shishtavec 2013 of love for attendees. It will be on Saturday August 2, so called on the general public and people who profess or not any religion, in order for you to hear a series of messages to these affected areas, where reconciliation between families, young looking, children with parents, brothers and sisters, shishtavec 2013 because in recent times have been generated social problems within families, mainly. He established the missionary that "society shishtavec 2013 in general has faced challenges that can only be reversed closer to God and asking for His guidance," noting that people have forgotten to ask for protection to God and only do so when they go to a church, facing death or a serious problem that makes them sensitive only chance, because once they suffered the problem is solved, they forget their promises. The event to be held in the colony Enrique Martínez y Martínez, shishtavec 2013 aims to be the place where people can free themselves from the pressures shishtavec 2013 of life, so that missionary shishtavec 2013 Laura Roldan Gonzalez heading a number of evangelists have traveled business premises, industry and the general public you are talking about this event that seeks to appeal to help families going through difficult times spiritually and emotionally. The group of missionaries based in the city of Cuernavaca, where they erected a group of women working mainly in actions to address the problems of couples and families in general, and young women who were victims of beatings and rape and people who are caught shishtavec 2013 with drugs. He mentioned that in Acuña have noticed a large number of marriages that are affected, while in relation to commercial establishments, there is panic not even fully recover due to unsafe situations that occurred during some time affected the commercial operation and activities in general. "You have to trust God first, because he sent us to this city to bring a message of peace," and not to waste it, I stress shishtavec 2013 the missionary Laura Roldan Gonzalez, to emphasize that it is not the solution to alcoholism and drug addiction, vices in which are embedded many youth of this city, which can be released from this condition found.
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