Wednesday, October 22, 2014

both are a couple singing telegram philadelphia of hypocrites waters is a leftist and anti-capitali

Disturbed frontman and Device, David Draiman, has asked his 120,000 followers on Twitter to condemn the anti-Israel British rock musician and activist Roger Waters for allegedly singing telegram philadelphia using Jewish Star of David as a symbol in the inflatable pig Giant floating singing telegram philadelphia on concert "The Wall".
The legendary founder of Pink Floyd has been using the inflatable pig for years to display political messages, mainly serving as a symbol of greed, fascism and oppression. According to the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, the balloon-shaped pig emblazoned with the Star of David as well as dictatorial symbols appeared as Waters played in Belgium last week.
David Draiman stated: "I have personally been a fan of the work of Mr. Waters for many years I think Pink Floyd is one of the most innovative and visionary acts of all time The position of Mr. Waters to the Palestinian / Israeli crisis.. is well known and has been well publicized. Estés or disagree singing telegram philadelphia with the policies of the Israeli singing telegram philadelphia government (and there are times when I, an average Israeli Jew, with a large number of family members still living in Israel, including my brother and my grandmother, I disagree with some of his policies), nothing excuses the use of the Star of David (symbol of the Jewish people as a whole, singing telegram philadelphia not Israel or its government) stamped on a flying pig / zeppelin during his performances singing telegram philadelphia for 'The Wall.' It is unnecessary, abhorrent, and blatantly anti-Semitic.
Continuous: [...] "Hitler himself used the Star of David as identification badges Jews with the word" Juden "under it, marking all the Jews who were driven mercilessly wagons singing telegram philadelphia led to the concentration camps in his insane attempt to genocide. " [...] "Therefore, I urge all my followers, friends and colleagues, and certainly the Jews within singing telegram philadelphia the entertainment community to disagree with this anti-Semitic symbolism, and demand that the Star of David is removed from the flying pig and an apology singing telegram philadelphia / formal explanation is given by the same Mr. Waters. "
I sweat: lol: July 27, 2013, 10:43 am
inflatable pig roger has many religious and corporate symbols, roger pronounced as several against religion and the capitalist monopolies, and that is fine, I think the Jew this is quite persecuted, should singing telegram philadelphia close some ortho and pursue singing because when he opens his mouth to say something is bullshit. July 27, 2013, 11:48 AM
Davis looks today in 21st century, do not you, that this religions, and borders on majaderia, singing telegram philadelphia we live in a world where everything can be used, by anyone, is but a symbol, cross lines, which can be used on anything, it's the same as if the cross, everyone who thinks what he wants, no Let's Streak on stupidity, do not do more of disunion already singing telegram philadelphia synthesis do not be ridiculous. July 27, 2013, 11:57
both are a couple singing telegram philadelphia of hypocrites waters is a leftist and anti-capitalist billionaire click but has an island, bald Jewish malcircuncidado shot him fuck lemmy (God) and hanneman (which Satan rest his holy glory) by liking paraphernalia singing telegram philadelphia nazi, this we put your fucking religuion above the legends of the music of living, it is a religious weeping July 27, 2013, 11:57
I think Roger does not lie ... would have to ask if kos Palestinians believe that Israel has the political acts of continuing abuses of the Palestinian people their plans for ethnic cleansing ... etcetc ... to Nazi practices do not seem Hitler on them the last century ..... it seems that Jews believe that others do not know what they do .... it's a shame but what I think does not discriminate and I think what makes this type is draw attention pesima xq his band is shit and sings! July 27, 2013, 12:07 PM
That all rot, this includes the entire human race ... holy Misantropia .. !!! But of course talking about the Rock in General retains more shit fuck lyrics defenders, of course there are good bands and bad of the rock is not very explicit in some grounders ... Long Live Metal ... !!! Besides who fuck if the system is a Middle Eastern singing telegram philadelphia political / religious garbage. July 27, 2013, 16:39
the fucking JEWS is posed as an martyrs of humanity when they were worse than an NAZIS and biblically cren be pure in mind and rasa when historical Egypt were seen as slaves to the global economy are seen as an ennguerra been in almost its history. and I really think that they feel entitled to criticize Catholics, singing telegram philadelphia Muslims but do not touch the girls suffered an america peoples more than them in good time you are the master waters July 27, 2013, 17:25
Fuck, rock is h

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