"On 12 March 1907, a group of villagers - about 200, named in documents of the time gossipers - tried to enter the royal road to reach Galati Prefecture, in order to" parliamentarians "on agricultural pacts. Villagers were stopped approximately 100m from a group Prefecture (12soldati) led by Ion Antonescu. Its mission was to accompany him Danielepolo prosecutor appointed to talk to the villagers, and to defend, in accordance with orders of the Ministry of War. ago a altercations between the prosecutor and the villagers, youtube yves montand Ion Antonescu youtube yves montand ordered the firing. died on the spot 12 villagers were recorded three seriously injured and slightly injured eight. From Telegram. 7 488/12 March 1907 sent by the Minister of Justice Attorney General Tataru Note brief description youtube yves montand of the incident: (General Vartiadi Commander Ion Antonescu) "told me that neither youtube yves montand he nor any of his soldiers youtube yves montand were not attacked, but that the fire (a fire-nm light), seeing himself 12 soldiers in front of a crowd of angry, and so in self-defense. " Text is not convincing. Analysis report prepared by the prosecutor involved in the case introduces a number of important details: "In Galati, youtube yves montand protesters in Vadu Hungarians and Lazoveni entered the city up to a distance of 150m from the Prefecture, who came to devastate the city and make havoc of different tenants who were in town. I went through them, I tried to reassure me resisted, putting my hand on his chest. them I did 3 times by 3 somatic and not wanted to retire. Then, unable to calm down and seeing serious condition in which the city was threatened by the demonstrators, I ordered to give shots. was given first shot blanks: youtube yves montand protesters were not withdrawn, the second youtube yves montand rescue rifle was given directly to the protesters. they fell five dead and seven injured. demonstrators were 200-250 in number. " Excerpts from "Army, Marshal and Jews" by Alex Mihai Stoienescu p. 40-41.
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