Contact the Web for advertising / (PIB India, Index Number: 5730) EDITOR KICKS - industrialists government "money power" policy will tighten the reins. The administrator of this policy radishes - commission is not sold like carrots. As labor department>
Latest News: 26 जनवर 2015: President Obama's chief guest at India's kizito musampa Republic Day / Modi stained kizito musampa with a veil! "The level of business hygiene 'campaign absent. Take advantage of the government to take advantage of the industry kizito musampa Jugar Modi in the house now - Business Standard.
Celebrating the birthday of Muhammad Morena Pamber fanfare. Milad-un-Nabi, the birthday ball! Muslimbaiyon on the spot with a great fanfare Hazoor Sllah procession on the occasion of the birth anniversary of Prophet pulled Vslm Hazoor. Muslim brothers hugging each other
============================================ Muslimbndhu got out procession on Dunnvi Morena Makar Sankranti is celebrated. Morena district on Tuesday with the state in the country and the people and the splash of Makar Sankranti festival kizito musampa is celebrated with devotion and enthusiasm. People kizito musampa at the gala dinner of a second invitation arrived here back in the winter and spleen Mngode pulses with solid dish pies, etc. enjoyed Gajak. Earlier in the morning to offer prayers of the people, including the power to charity, the huge number kizito musampa of people in various holy bath in the holy river.
According to the scriptures, Makar Sankranti is the day when the sun god and the sun god travels solstice to solstice resort is considered a good sign. The peace and prosperity of the resort solstice sun god is good. This has created an atmosphere of joy around the festival. On this day women and men in households with porridge spleen foods and adornments used in household goods, including home-dash pruned to charities, as well as temples and other food material things but also temples made of spleen is provided.
The gala was some activity in the morning and most of the same markets with burial offerings at temples poor garments, food, etc. were seen donating. Morning on the city's major temples were arriving pilgrims to charity. kizito musampa However, kizito musampa due Morena Solstice Road and Station Road MS Gajak decked kizito musampa with various shops were ready before, which made people spleen Gajak of Good and sugar and other relatives and well-wishers of buying Varayition of Makar Sankranti Sweet sent. Invite people to this day in their homes, as relatives and all varieties of dishes are prepared, which pulses essentially serves dessert Mngode and spleen. In the winter season gives them plenty of things to enjoy different. ================================================== ================== made in return for land Kotwar Morena temporary. Of the Pura Pura shivlal shivlal in GP, Knpura and the village is full of Dharmgd Kishunlal Kdera in Knpura janitor (Kotwar was). Jnved after his death, was appointed as the Kotwar. But temporary tax nexus Kotwari panchayat officials appointed by Upendra Jadun earned his. Upendra is that ten Bidha irrigated land.
Kotwar government appointment was temporary. When it came to the knowledge they complain Jnved and his brother Ramesh senior officials of Tehsil. Upendra's political reach but because kizito musampa he earned his appointment as temporary Kotwar. It is important to point out that any employee kizito musampa appointed after the death of his family provision. If someone in the family is not going to object to the claim of the said other designation that is possible.
Here, that the government and administration of the Kotwar competent person in the family is not moss may appoint another person to the position of Kotwar. But after the death of his father and all his movable and immovable Aski children have equal rights in government documents. With the consent of all the children can get an appointment. After his father's death when Jnved government Kotwar was appointed. The affidavit by his Baimari exploit the reach of the authorities appointed by Upendra kizito musampa earned as temporary Kotwar.
Upendra has appointed officials. Ramesh's brother came to his knowledge Jnved submitted its tehsil office complaining that my brother is not able to Kotwari his place if his wife or his son or his brother Ramesh may appoint. But the government ignored the rules of the other person appointed by the family has Bncit people. Which is wrong. Tehsil court did not judge her, she has appealed against the appointment of the SDM office Upendra. Now see what Kishunlal Kdere person's family get justice kizito musampa and his family to the position of the permanent Kotwar again be appointed. It will tell you when to come. What they shivlal Khna- Pura village panchayat Kishunlal Kdera Kotwar Knpura after the death of the boy Jnved his administration has made the Kotwar. There is also the experience of Jadun Kotwar Upendra. He has made temporary Kotwar. Kotwari his wife on merit watching her brother Ramesh. It can also be made Kotwar. Rule Nirdesha
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