Saturday, November 8, 2014

Posted in joy, the response, the smart assembly, Message Tags: blog, electricity, cesta romantica e

Kill electricity! | My Bubbles
March 29 will be held at 20:00 to 21:00 in all homes, cafes, cities, and villages all over the world EARTH HOUR 2008, in which all people are welcome to an hour in order to turn off all the electricity consumed by lighting instrument trees, or at least, that even at that moment to stop global warming, reduce electricity consumption, wastage of land resources and greenhouse gases causes. Also, we recommend that getting the inspiration and to reduce the consumption of electricity and other energy in their daily lives.
Celebrating Earth Hour began in Sydney in 2007, where it proved to be very successful cesta romantica in this hour of electricity not used by approximately cesta romantica 2.2 million people leaving the city in total darkness. In this hour of electricity consumption decreased by approximately 10.1% in Sydney, which topeldas target of 5%. If this savings is maintained throughout cesta romantica the year, it would be the same as driving a car on the street reduced by approximately 48.616 Section
In 2007, Turn on your light out of the most famous sites Sideny Opera House and the Harbour Bridge, earth hour took place on a special flavor events, such as weddings cesta romantica were held candles swollen. cesta romantica This year, there are many other cities in the world have drawn inspiration from Sidney residents grandiose down into the Earth Hour 2008 merged with, making it a symbolic event in the global movement.
To join the global cesta romantica green action, it is necessary to turn off the lamp on your doorstep, televisions, and possibly a few more switches, all of this is happening in any country in your local time clock eight to nine o'clock in the evening.
Posted in joy, the response, the smart assembly, Message Tags: blog, electricity, cesta romantica energy, global warming, greenhouse gases, climate, and lolo pepe, earth, earth hour, hour
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