It is true anyway. As if the telegram had not the time anymore. Moreover, in the past, the same telegram with the bad news. But today I want to write about the telegram because in Japan today November 5 is the anniversary of the Telegram. Telegram was first used in Japan is said in 1869, and in growing a Japanese-Russian war, and Japan-China. And around 1960 telegram position shifted by telephone, by facsimile 1980s and 1990s by phone, email and internet.
And whether it was the telegram? wagstaff cartmell Yup ... that is funny in Japan people still use the telegram for formal events in human life from birth to death, wagstaff cartmell and afterwards (warning spirits), called kankonsousai 冠 婚 葬 祭. Telegram with the purpose of this speech has been started from 1936, and still continue to be used until now. I often encountered (and also never got it) is a wedding wagstaff cartmell party, there must be a special time to read the telegram sent by the people, or a group of friends / colleagues who could not attend. And the telegram nice shape, decorated with dried flowers or beautiful pictures.
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I am just an ordinary woman, WHO live in Tokyo with my husband and two sons. I am a lecturer, translator, and a narrator as well. I like reading, photography, Philately, blogging, singing, wagstaff cartmell cooking etc
Wow, I do not believe it. So many Japanese mark next to something (thanx, because of this blog I was so much to know something about the Japanese). Lest the pin was there. Hair Jepet day perhaps? Or socks also commemorated? Lol. There-there are people of Japan. But so make chuckle too.
Remarkably Japan yeah ... never forget the outdated wagstaff cartmell technology. For me, everything is a bridge towards civilization obsolete now.
like the term "great nation is a nation that respects the hero", Japan and even goes to the "great nation is a nation that is not forgotten civilization" .. do not you think?
Mang Kumlod Wow, already different generation, time has never seen a telegram. Until college I was often able telegram. Not always bad news anyway ... .Nggak know first why my father happy to send a telegram. Maybe let me quickly kaleee ...
Finally already arrived safely, hopefully kai cepet recover it? Duh, there is even a telegram today ?? ... So remember, there used to be a junior PR is asked to send a telegram to the park to class, heheh .... now already advanced ya, telegram weve still exist at the post office? lhawong yesterday nyari Eid cards in bookstores wrote not already exist, the presence of all the old stock, xixix ... .. May kai cepet recovered well?
I have never sent or received wagstaff cartmell a telegram. That means I did not include the new generation? hehehe ..
Kai still sore bu ... but yesterday was about to eat. This pain quite a long time, along with climate change, and grow molars seem to bu. Yes it is the same as the greeting telegram beautiful wagstaff cartmell telegram ya ?? But I rarely hear / see again. What they are wearing? EM
Already read this article comma do not do in Japan there is a thick book like a phone book title is the big day coma Japanese point So tomorrow in Japan today what ya question mark Kai wish a speedy recovery and could play again point
Mustinya there tuh, yet never find aja.Tapi wagstaff cartmell are definitely in Japan there is a book of phone books published each year, named IMIDAS which contains new words that are popular and description.
Greetings hear ya .. there are days telegram in Japan so remember in Bali ... Many great day there ... no iron every day ... a day of great significance tetenger, bookmarks, a reminder ... probably wagstaff cartmell it could be a kind of history of human civilization marker yes
Okaeri, but kai genki? I never send DENPO to Ton & Kan time I'm in YNU, the content message, 'Kimiyo Kome nashi, sugu okure!' hi hi, when it really is not no money and food as well. I think the phone is much becomes expensive so I try to use DENPO. But it turns out DENPO too expensive, especially I have to talk directly with the operator and asked 'Kekkon or Osoushiki?', So I replied 'Ordinary ...'. Ouch shy. But the rice not sent too ... Uhhh .. ^^
Aduuuh period segitunya until you have no food? Definitely was not yet know me huh? I met loh foto2 time we went to Kamakura. I'll post deh. Iyaaaa denpo (telegra) is expensive. Imagine that for congratulation that the price in 1000 the tablets. It is cheaper to send packets use the hehhe Kuroneko. cuman 680 yen tuh. How does the heart
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