Telegram is one of the messaging application feriz llovca offers functions like WhatsApp, including some other additions such as the use of a username, the ability to change a phone number, and save data on computer clouds. Last, Telegram seen reaching more than 50 million active users, and more than a million feriz llovca new users sign up to use it every week.
At the same time, the Telegram also said more than 1 billion messages sent and received feriz llovca using Telegram every day - while demonstrating their use is becoming more popular every day compared to some other messaging services.
Most importantly, this open source client telegram. feriz llovca Version Command Line (CLI) also ade, indeed cool. Cross platform, usable mark smartphone, computer, windows, linux, MacOS, tablet, ipad and so on simultaneously and synchronize everything. WhatsApp can not, once the device je nak order.
ayie - December 8, 2014 22:58
difference ... telegram can transfer incoming data SD ... WhatsApp x boleh.x other org mcm know where, but slow internet pounds, lg telegram quickly send and receive messages banding WhatsApp ... pound transfer data size large lg dr whatsapp.xde update also ridiculous and Fees No annual
Most importantly, this open source client telegram. Version Command Line (CLI) also ade, indeed cool. Cross platform, usable mark smartphone, computer, windows, linux, MacOS, tablet, ipad and so on simultaneously and synchronize everything. WhatsApp can not, once the device je nak order.
I personally use Whatsapp dah less since moving to this app. Even now it has no option for Admin group Whatsapp appoint another member to participate so admin, he still mingle concept "dictatorship", while Telegram, anyone in the group can invite others to sign group, there were no restrictions on the admin. Democracy!
Furthermore, Telegram support member in the group of 200 people (enough for one batch boarding school, for example), whereas NEW Whatsapp only increase the number of group members to 100 (before 50 only).
MOST nice, file size limitations - one gigabyte! I've tried, it can send files up to 1GB to a friend / group Telegram, no problem as long as the Internet connection is stable and not exactly a snail. Telegram own party stated no limitations on the number of files that can be sent, provided that each file does not exceed the limit of 1GB. That is, every time can send and receive berkoyan-koyan file to / from rakan Telegram. Imagine senario interest here. * Cough cough * cough torreng
Click Kat group name sounds Choose Select notifications and notifications Select disabled
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I've already fully moved to the Telegram. The main reason, I like her a lot closer disposable devices. If I was online I can wear ipad reply, if I was dota else I can reply via pc. After that message he came near the cloud so no need to backup a wide Whatsapp. And most of all I love: Rate!
0 of 0
Another advantage of the telegram, if galore tu message. Nak cari message @ article in a message can je search. If WhatsApp, search him out user name je ... nak buat ape? takleh search ... .Booo message!
Nothing will ever sound / notification for group
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February 23, 2015 56 Comments
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