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Died grckokatolcky decay Mons. Polish ivo livi women Vladimr P: 3, 07 05 2009 08:02, DOM 2 May of 2009 died grckokatolcky decay doc., Fr. Mons. Vladimr startled titulrny canon and estn Grckokatolckej dean of the theological faculty in Preove. Zdun svtej pohrebnm liturgy and rites will be Thursday at 7 MJA 2009 at 11:00 am in the Parish Church of St.. JNA and Paul MSTK in eskej Republic Chairman of the Bratislava eparch Peter Rusnk. The body of a deceased will be buried in the grave casus Sviadnov. Mons. Vladimr Polish women was born on 26 September 1925 in London. He was baptized by the judge in adulthood 4 Aprl 1943 in St. CHRM. Clement in Prague grckokatolckom ceremony. On the kazstvo Zaal preparation plants in Grckokatolckom casus seminri ivo livi in Preove. After three years (1948) it preovsk Blessed Bishop Paul Peter-muenk GOJDA OSBM TDIA sent to the Theological Faculty in Olomouc. There Preil and de likvidcie Grckokatolckej Church 28 Aprl, 1950. Unlike their colleagues in Preove who were interned, the following penalties are suffered. So-called. P action in Olomouc neuskutonila so drastickm spsobom, and to arise from likvidcie and pay for esk region. Thanks to this situcii could FINISHING 5 Ronk teolgie and 30 of October 1950 concluded absolutriom. They were 2 TDNE before likvidciou ivo livi the Olomouc ivo livi faculty. Sasnal was summoned ivo livi krajskm ivo livi cirkevnm tajomnkom in Olomouc ivo livi doporuenmk entrance to the church Pravoslvnej Monos casus svtenia. Teolg Vladimr Polish women tto offer rejected radical elements. Regional of Church tajomnk ivo livi it more nepresviedal ivo livi and doporuil him to the najskr naiel civilian ivo livi jobs. Psobil in viacerch civilnch jobs. Sasnal addition prci cont in postgradulnom tdiu Rmskokatolckej the Theological Faculty in Prague. In the years 1951 54 zloil according vtedajieho Study Regulations postgradulne three TTNET SKKY of biblical studies, Histria first to morlky pastorlky. 4 ttna licencitna engKAMI him in the zsah ttnej urine or umonen. Sacramental manelstvo closed 04/29/1969 with Kvetoslavov, genus. lapetovou. ivo livi Kaza on Grckokatolckej church was vysvten 11/05/1969 in St. Katedrle. JNA Krstiteav ivo livi Preove blahoslavenm bishop-muenkom Fr. Of Vasil Hopko. Should be appointed as the Farr grckokatolkov in northern Moravia. Severomoravské parish bag has never been defined. In consequence so. normalizcie were allowed only parish in Prague and Brno, is not reduced only in Prague. ivo livi Having shlasom ivo livi preovskho ordinra psobil on. Vladimr ivo livi as biritualista on various places in the Latin rite parishes in echch and Moravia: Cam, Horn Ben, Rychaltice metal in Slavic, ivo livi Cetechovice, Bystica p. H. Eladnám, Ostrava Hoslkovice, pine, Domaslavice. 3 November 1990 was Preove opening Grckokatolcka Faculty of Theology and zalenen to University of Pavol Jozef Africa Koichi. Dean of the faculty was appointed. ThDr. Vladimr Polish women. In this capacity psobil and to 21 March 1995. Sdnym Vikram Preovskej ivo livi eparchy in 1991 was 1995. Zrove to 2000 PREDNÁ ivo livi Morla teolgiu Cyrilometodjsk the Theological Faculty in Olomouc. In 1998, he was appointed as oktbri titulrnym canon Preovskej dieczy. He was also a judge Interdieczneho SDU in Olomouc. After retirement dchodku very vypomhal others in spiritual at first in the parish of St. JNA and Paul MSTK. His ecclesiastical zujmy except first one, in which he qualified in the field Dejna TTU and first, belonged zoolgia, psycholgia animals, ivo livi practical An avcvik. His krdo was: for Justice est constans et perpetua ivo livi Voluntas jus suum cuique ivo livi tribuendi. ivo livi Justice is firmly compressed and va da cadmium on his floor. ZENIT informed ubomr Petrkov (ZENIT, lp, dj) 20090507010 [back]
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