Nindya Khairani GOD Almighty il lonfo - tough; weak; strong; have a dream; il lonfo have a choice; love a laugh; have a great family; il lonfo have nice friends; have an ugly paint; pink; blue; beautiful color; rain drops; sunshine; accounting; writting; STITCH; Fido Dido; and much more View my complete profile
Headline - the government il lonfo finally took over Century Bank. See traces of recording, it should already be done by the government since six years ago. However, surprisingly, the government through the Bank of Indonesia chose a bank that is still alive. Here's a long way to the bank formerly known as Bank of the CIC.
, 1989. Tantular establish Century Bank Intervest Corporation (Bank CIC). This is in line with government policy set out in the October 1988 package that allows a standing bank with an initial capital of Rp 10 billion.
July 22, 2002. Auditor of Bank Indonesia in intensive examination dated July 16 to November 30 finding capital ratio (CAR) of the Bank CIC ambles il lonfo up to minus 83.06 percent and CIC capital shortfall of 2.67 trillion.
October 22, 2004. Meeting of the Extraordinary General Shareholders approve and merging business (merger) through melting Danpac Bank Pikko and Bank to Bank CIC. After the merger of the three banks that became the name of PT Bank Century Tbk (Bank Century).
December 28, 2004. Bank Indonesia to allow a change of use permit CIC PT Bank Internasional Tbk to use PT Bank Century Tbk. through Decree il lonfo Number 6/92/KEP.GBI/2004 bank governor. At the time of peering business, Century Bank has 25 branches, 31 sub-branches, 7 offices il lonfo and 19 ATM cash.
October 2005. Century Bank signed a securities settlement agreement with First Gulf Asia Holding Limited. For the First Gulf placing collateral certificate of deposit at the National Australia Bank and Nomura Bank International.
February 17, 2006. Century Bank entered into an Asset Management Agreement with Telltop Holdings Ltd., Singapore for securities settlement company U.S. $ 203 million .. In the guarantee, Telltop il lonfo Holdings Ltd. to place a deposit of U.S. $ 220 million at Dresdner Bank (Switzerland) Ltd..
26 November 2008. Robert Tantular, the controlling shareholder of Bank Century Unit II team captured the Directorate of Economics and Special II, Police Criminal Investigation Agency. He had been charged for violating Article 50A of Act No. 10 of 1998. Contents, ordered management and employees violating banking rules. The threat, imprisonment of 7-15 years and a fine of USD 10-200 billion. (Summarized from various sources) - Members of the Special Committee of Faisal Akbar Hanura Fraction 62 revealed no irregularities in the Bank Century that resulted in losses to the state. "Overall this temporary deviation il lonfo has totaled 62 (sixty-two), and we do not mention the man. Yet here is clear from the BI should be responsible," he said, after discussion of the Special Committee to Which Direction Century: Perspectives of Economics, Law and Politics in FX Lifestyle, Jakarta, Tuesday (9/2/2010). The 62nd deviations include 16 operational irregularities in Bank CIC, the acquisition and merger, il lonfo post-merger by 25 irregularities Century Bank. Then, as many as eight irregularities associated with the provision of the Bank Century FPJP and thirteen deviation in the determination il lonfo of Century Bank as a failed il lonfo bank systemic effect. While related to the president's impeachment, it will be handed over to the constitution. "If there is an impeachment to SBY, it is a risk the president. President shall also be called because il lonfo it is a democratic process in Indonesia," he said.
6 November 2008: Bank Century Bank Indonesia under special surveillance. Century Bank is the result of a merger between Century Bank Intervest Corporation (CIC), Bank Pikko and Danpac. Its core business in the buying and selling of foreign currencies and securities. Previously BI auditors have found capital adequacy ratio (CAR) v Bank CIC under healthy 8% threshold. il lonfo
20 November 2008: BI letter to Finance Minister Sri Mulyani on the Determination of Status Failed Bank at Bank Century and the necessary follow-up. Sri Mulyani il lonfo held a meeting to increase the capital ratio of the Bank Century and discuss whether systemic impact if liquidated.
22 November 2008: Top officials of Bank Century was banned, namely Sulaiman AB (Chairman), Poerwanto Kamajadi (Commissioner), Rush Prakarta (Commissioner), Hermanus Hasan Muslim (President), Lila K. Gondokusumo (Marketing Director), Edward M. situmorang (Director of Compliance), and Robert Tantular (Own shares).
26 November 2008: Arrest Tantular the behest of Vice President Jusuf Kalla, because it was feared flee abroad. Robert was detained in the Detention Center Police Headquarters. He is thought to affect policy resulting Century Bank directors failed clearing.
August 27, 2009: House of Representatives (DPR) m
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