il pane, bread
frater, fratris, m.
B) before the genitive singular ending-is consonant with two leads coming out of the stem-syllable nouns are all increased as same syllable nouns (civis, vulpes-like) change the ending. Thus, the-e is ablative singular, genitive plural of the-ium appear, when the neuter plural nominative, accusative, vocative case ends with the-a. For example, it's like this: mons, montis, david psalm m., Il monte, mountain, stem: mont-, ablative: monte, genitive plural: montium; cor, cordis, n., il cuore, heart, stem: cord-, ablative: corde, genitive plural: cordium, nominative, david psalm accusative, vocative case plural: corda.
mel, mellis, n.
la dote, dowry
la neve, snow (雪)
Genitive plural Quirītum is AIR.
Possessive case
la forza
con la forza
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