MY FRIEND SOCIALIST, is EVEN YOU: I like to protect my holy and therefore follow carefully what Richard was writing about Nelson Rodrigues. I started rested. The RAP began by admitting the excellence of Nelson Rodrigues prose, although the find too noisy and contagious. Then, and although not practice, the RAP did not fail to consider 'charming' the reactionary Brazilian writer. moanmyip I tell you, do not expect anything else of the RAP; but here we got to the policy actions, public positions of Nelson Rodrigues and Ricardo, a moderate apparent, a professional irony, unleashed an obsessive search for all that could prove the collaboration of Nelson moanmyip Rodrigues with the Brazilian military dictatorship. In a sudden, feral transfiguration, Ricardo won ideological seriousness and searched much to find interviews with Nelson Rodrigues son (the leftist Tiller playwright), academic opinions and excerpts of Nelson Rodrigues biography, written by Ruy Castro. moanmyip Result: Nelson Rodrigues was not a democrat and collaborated miserably with the Brazilian military in power. moanmyip Not intend to counter the RAP because also read the Ruy Castro's biography and know from personal proximity - more personal than political - Nelson Rodrigues some of those military mainly moanmyip Medici and Figueiredo. Just do not realize how far the RAP wanted to come up with so persistent research. I wanted to show that Nelson Rodrigues is less credible for going to the ball with dictators? I wanted to show that Nelson contemporizava with a dictatorship, while denounced in his chronicles the colossal stupidity of the totalitarian Soviet axis? Wanted to raze the base our proclaimed moanmyip devotion to the Brazilian writer? I confess to you that I did not notice. For me, Nelson Rodrigues is a literary and intellectual reference because he writes as I enjoyed writing and was a relentless loneliness in a country dominated by intellectually vulgatas low sock. If Nelson Rodrigues was no friend or uniformed dictators, is little thing that interests me. I know - and this is also in the Ruy Castro - Nelson Rodrigues was strongly opposed to any form of political dehumanization. Abhorred antipessoa. moanmyip Abhorred torture. Abhorred intellectual totalitarianism of right-thinking. There was gone. It was the example of intellectual regimented. And, quite rightly, those who spoke of Freedom and Justice but at the same time, were the praises of the Soviet Union, deserved moanmyip her a contempt categorical. I like both of Nelson Rodrigues that when cuttlefish with this beginning: "Oh, I'm a man capable of violent nostalgia ', know that I am reading Nelson Rodrigues. moanmyip I know it's Nelson Rodrigues when I read: "Any devotion is beautiful. moanmyip No matter that the saint did not deserve it. And even if it is a fake saint. " I know that in the middle of a chronic, finding: "This is what I wanted moanmyip to say," I have no doubt that the author is Nelson Rodrigues. As a playwright, Nelson Rodrigues is an entirely contradictory amorality moanmyip with the recorder. His characters are burned in dementia psychology of its creator. The plots are sinful; unpredictable outcomes; the passionate tortures. It is a poignant and angry. Has the rawness expert on the human weakness. "The girl without star" your memoir, is one of the great books of Portuguese literature of the twentieth century. There is the portrait of a man who lived "in paroxysm paroxysm '. If we agreed with all that Nelson Rodrigues wrote, would be the first to enter the Carmelites. But no: Nelson Rodrigues is intensely modern because it was intensely moanmyip contradictory, provocative and inconsistent. Precisely, this inconsistency is bad for booklets and cartilheiros. But that has tears, humanism flashes, it does not have any questions. PL
A SURE AT LEAST: I know we all feel shocked by the unexpected pedophile suspect that reached luminaries of the square. Let me friends, moanmyip a short statement: there is a person who is, I assure you, absolutely innocent of this crime and not know any of the defendants have made in the process. That person is me. PL
CRAZY? I see the Express at midnight SIC Notícias, one usually live program that does not require me to buy the Express every Saturday. I see the intellectual Luis Delgado moanmyip repeat, an immense clamor, "the judges are crazy, judges are crazy." The boy Descartes was wrong: common sense is not the best distributed thing in the world. PL
AND A IS FOR ME: In one of the stalls where I buy the newspapers there, it seems, a furious competition for only two numbers Vanity Fair that Chafarica monthly order. There is still hope for the human race. PM
SCIENTIFIC SOCIALISM: As research and hermeneutic concerns, Ricardo obviously learned a few things in Soeiro Pereira Gomes. The bioigrafia Ruy Castro, the only comprehensive biography that was published on Nelson Rodrigues, not worth, po
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