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"The General Middelbare School afdeeling B", a name that is not so foreign to all citizens Padmanaba. Of course, because the name is the name that carried SMA N 3 Yogyakarta on the Dutch colonial period.
Speaking about the history of SMA N 3 Yogyakarta, many stories have been recorded singing telegram long island on the doings of our class brothers when repel invaders in the era of revolution. Similarly, regarding the great success stories of family members Padmanaba after work in the community. However, not much is known about the story of our alma mater while still under Dutch colonial era. In fact, the period when the SMA N 3 Yogyakarta was named AMS B is also an important part of our school trip.
It can be said, Padmanaba establishment in 1942 is like a grown-up point for our school. The days afterwards like adolescence, where various events in the Japanese colonial period and revolution have shaped the character and soul of our school. The soul that is passed down from generation to generation until today, when we alma mater can be said to have grown.
If Padmanaba mark adolescence and adulthood of SMA N 3 Yogyakarta, the AMS B is the childhood of the school. There are many stories that characterizes childhood of our alma mater, singing telegram long island and now the author singing telegram long island is able to share a little singing telegram long island story to the reader.
Origins Starting from 1915, when an attempt singing telegram long island repair singing telegram long island of secondary education in the Netherlands East Indies began to be triggered. Until the early 20th century, the path of secondary education in the Dutch East Indies are very limited. To be able to go on to university, students must continue to HBS or Hoogere Burgerschool; a secondary school for 5 years which can only be entered by the Dutch, European, and indigenous elected. Number of HBS was not much, only four HBS in the Dutch East Indies in 1915. Fourth HBS HBS is Batavia (founded in 1860), HBS Surabaya (1875), HBS Semarang (1877), as well as the HBS Bandung (1915).
To provide better access to the natives, finally made a new pathway of secondary education in the Dutch East Indies. In this pathway, secondary education pursued for six years in two parts. The first part is called MULO (Meer uitgebreid lager onderwijs singing telegram long island - Advanced Basic Education), then the second part is called AMS (the General Middelbare School - High School).
AMS Indies first opened in 1919 in Yogyakarta, with B afdeeling Wis en Naturkundige or majors B who study science and natural science. singing telegram long island Ahead of the opening of the AMS afdeeling B Yogyakarta, announcements were placed in various newspapers in the Dutch East Indies. The announcement contains the date of the inauguration of the school in addition singing telegram long island also contains information singing telegram long island regarding the registration of new students.
Saturday morning July 5, 1919, took place the opening ceremony of AMS afdeeling B te Jogjakarta. The entrance and front porches decorated with lavish use of flags and wreaths. Invited guests consisting of senior ranks of the Dutch East Indies. The ceremony was also attended by the crown prince of Yogyakarta at the time (who later ascended the throne as Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono VIII), and the princes singing telegram long island and nobles of Pakualaman and Surakarta.
9:15 am, Director singing telegram long island Onderwijs singing telegram long island & Ereedienst (Ministry of Education and Religion) and Resident Yogyakarta arrived with gamelan. Furthermore, the event continued with speeches from officials, representatives of the Natives, as well as representatives from the Chinese. singing telegram long island
Dr Degens as the principal thanked all parties for his efforts in bringing about the establishment of the first AMS Indies this. He also delivered a congratulatory telegram sent by NIOG (Dutch East Indies Teachers Association) and the HBS in Semarang on the opening ceremony in the morning.
Mr.Creutzberg as director of the department singing telegram long island of Education and Religion gives a speech and deliver singing telegram long island a telegram singing telegram long island from the master Idenburg, Dutch Colonial Affairs Minister, who expressed his happiness over the opening of the AMS.
Once open, the students who enroll in the AMS B Yogyakarta, there were 38 students. This amount is then increased to 46 students in August 1919, approaching the maximum capacity of 50 students planned for the first batch. Of the 46 students enrolled, there were 17 pupils singing telegram long island European nationals, 22 students from Java, 5 Chinese students and two students from Manado.
School fees to be paid depends on the income of parents and divided into five groups. Pupils with parents earn more than f 600 per month will be entered singing telegram long island into the first group and subject to tuition at f 10. While untu
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