Saturday, April 4, 2015

the time I was little, I recall, was never a mother and walid hold a banquet or birthday party. but

the time I was little, I recall, was never a mother and walid hold a banquet or birthday party. but, we taught our family considering special date2 include mother and walid anniversary. Even without a meal together kawan2 invited to the house, but, the way mothers and celebrate walid very impressed in my heart and quite satisfying ...
Among the welcome av do contorno we always nanti2kan is when it's the birthday of someone in our family, my mother would cook a special meal and also gave a special greeting to the person whose birthday ... and, kadang2 mother and walid bring food into the hostel if that date falls on a kawan2 school meal .. .. fun .. I remember, when I was in high school, I remember how many levels, I ternanti2 speech of mothers and walid. but, that day, no matter what anyone says apa2 on me .. sad really av do contorno feels. but the next day back from school, there is a birthday card on the table ... a big smile to the ears ...: P rupa2nya they forgot the day ... until I learned so much from them. walid mother and still did not forget to send birthday cards ..'ve also send a telegram to that goal ... :) if dah ada mobile phones, sms / phone calls je lah .... : P
when I was at boarding level 1 to 3 is the most fun ... birthday .. like the day we went to mana2, av do contorno there is a gift of kawan2 je .. on a bed, a locker, drawer book, on the table in the classroom ... not too expensive gift , but it is very meaningful to me ... indeed we are considering each other ... birthdays anyone in our gang, we do so .. time in college, the others do ... not a gift given, but 'He' of kawan2 ... There are splashed with 3-4 buckets of water at exactly 12 midnight, there is a wide konon2 affected pirated room upside down exhausted .. .. there is a grandmother would soapy water, water the grass ... bermacam2 .. really feeling like mad .. but, That is actually the best memories I can not forget in a hurry .. midnight av do contorno chase the maker 'He' av do contorno ..: P if Clin together, we will sit berdua2an while eating bread and water box tengah2 night .. Incidentally birthday he was close to me. . So, once kan je lah ....
time in a rental house, again the same way as when I first sat in a dorm ... many gifts given each other a sign of remembrance of the 14 housemates ... a joke, every time someone fall birthday, would definitely buy a cake and conspiracy in a cache in the neighboring house .. a few years sitting together, tactics av do contorno tu je dah same reason unknown to everyone ...: D but, despite already know, tertunggu2 too ..: P ops, increased again with a sweetheart who came promptly at 12 midnight semata2 like to send a bouquet flower ..: P not dating midnight ever .. just pushes and he continued to return .. many kawan2 ever ...
correct many memories of birthdays ... and everything left its own sweet memories .. not beria2 want to celebrate .. but just celebrate each other ... I deliberately manis2 story only .. some are bitter, but, for what a sad thing to be remembered, is not it? :)
if she is married, av do contorno with kawan2 dah tak .. but, still continue with his speech .. sweetness of her beloved husband still felt even in another way .. :) "May the breath lengthened to spend with loved sisa2 life and moving towards av do contorno your pleasure O God .... and that your hearts cleansed of all revenge and sin ... amen .. "
sya .. happy birthday celebrate birthday memories MMG much ... sweet, bitter ... all there .. real memories are the best gifts throughout our lives ... :)
Friday, August 28, 2009 at 10:41 am
Saturday, August 29, 2009 at 1:45 am
Happy birthday for kak middle of Walid hoped that this new life of grace overflowed.
Friday, August 28, 2009 at 6:57 pm
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Saturday, August 29, 2009 at 2:37 am
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1 award babywearing old story contest blog danish Darwisy immature streets gathering of friends, family parenting working mother av do contorno road safety KSPSI discharge liver contains papa mama nursing student relaxing holiday celebrations of Queen recipes Uncategorized tag
1 award babywearing old story contest blog danish Darwisy immature streets gathering of friends, family parenting working mother road safety KSPSI discharge liver contains av do contorno papa mama nursing student relaxing holiday av do contorno celebrations of Queen recipes Uncategorized tag
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