Thursday, March 19, 2015

The research cited in the post FipeZap covers 7 major cities and not only Rio and Sao Paulo. These

Despite the disbelief of many real estate prices, playback theater at least in the cities of Rio de Janeiro and guide Sao Paulo continues to rise. The research carried out by FipeZap of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte, Distrito Federal, playback theater Salvador, Fortaleza and Recife shows that in the last 12 months, playback theater the average selling price of real estate has risen by 16.3%
Os preços dos imóveis prontos em São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro playback theater no continuam subindo and registraram high de 1.4% and 1.2%, respectivamente, em August. Segundo informações do Índice FipeZap divulgadas nesta fourth-feira, os aumentos em relação playback theater to julho VEM na contramão das demais regiões pesquisadas. Com or agree with índice, os preços caíram em Belo Horizonte (-0.2%) and subiram menos que to inflação esperada para o período em Recife and Brasília, recording high of 0.2%. Na média, to variação do índice de foi em August 1%; nos últimos 12 meses, or increased thirst acumulado nas regiões pesquisadas is de 16.3% - 17.1% valor menor que os registrados no mês anterior. No acumulado de 2012, a high de todas as regiões foi de 9,7%. O Priced médio do m nas regiões pesquisadas foi de R $ 6,799. Já or valor médio do m no Distrito Federal foi de R $ 8,284 and R $ 3,800 de em Salvador. Em São Paulo, registered design or preço foi de R $ 6,703 and no Rio de Janeiro de R $ 8,260. Em São Paulo, os bairros com os maiores preços por m são Ibirapuera-Vila Nova Conceição (R $ 11,086); Jardim Paulistano (R $ 9,575) and Chácara Itam (R $ 8,899). Com os os bairros menores preços são Cidade AE Carvalho (R $ 2670); playback theater Sao Miguel Paulista (R $ 3,061) and Artur Alvim (R $ 3,065). No Rio, Leblon (R $ 18,332); Ipanema (R $ 16,984) and Lagoa (R $ 14,769) as são caras localidades corn; Anchieta (R $ 1,100); Senador Camara (R $ 1,375) and Pavuna (R $ 1,389) são os mais em count. A pesquisa FipeZap is feita em São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte, Distrito Federal, Salvador, Recife and Fortaleza.
Hello Angelo I answer with the comment of a friend of Linkedin on the same topic: House prices in Rio de Janeiro in 2008 it was very low ... with 150 000 euro will you bought a nice house in Ipanema. playback theater It is not possible that you go back to what it was because those who bought no longer sells at those prices. playback theater Maybe there will be 'adjustment. However in the long run, the prices of today I think that will be the prices of reference in the future. If they rise again, is speculation. The companies 'immobiliarie playback theater tell me that here in Rio a big part of the Brazilian population buys properties of 1 or 2 million R $ "exposed" ... so in reality' the money is there. The fact that then people are unable to pay rents of R $ 3,000 for two rooms in a building in Copacabana precarious, says a lot. There will be 'definitely a readjustment of prices, but I do not know if it will be' a collapse .... you can not 'even claim that prices riamangano the same when the BRICS have been called so because it considered the "brick" of the future playback theater economy ... the price of square meter in the barrios "noble" in Rio de Janeiro, removing isolates richest in leblon and Ipanema, is equal to that of Turin, my city 'Christmas ... I think there is no comparison - a city 'against a European average capital of Latin America and international destination for tourism. Delete
OttoAprile playback theater Hello, you mentioned the situation of Copacabana, but Brazil playback theater is not 'Copacabana. In Copacabana, like other neighborhoods south of Rio (Barra, Ipanema, Leblon, Lagoa), the value of the home will continue 'to rise or remain playback theater so' high simply playback theater because 'they are in a geographically limited area of Rio de Janeiro and that' internationally renowned for its beauty. This and 'the main reason for which Rio continues to attract many investors, many of whom are Brazilian, but of other countries. If the area south of Rio can 'afford this housing market, other cities' in general playback theater can not afford it in the long run. In my humble opinion. Reply Delete
The research cited in the post FipeZap covers 7 major cities and not only Rio and Sao Paulo. These are the facts today. If we want to speculate on the future, after the Copa, and so we can say everything and its opposite. I always playback theater remember that American analysts, when Brazil began its growth 10 years ago and I was starting tentatively to buy bonds of the Brazilian government, said when the wind is strong even turkeys fly. Alluded to the fact that as the world economy playback theater growing playback theater even Brazil, a turkey, seemed to fly. Well, the wind stopped, the Eagles have fallen playback theater but the turkey keeps flying for 10 years !! At the time convinced me to sell my Brazilian securities playback theater that made me net 12% in euro and buy a star among the blue chip American then the GM .The GM failed dragging

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