Thursday, November 28, 2013

The origin of the English tradition can be placed at the base of the use of stop to indicate the

Ancient and noble and "serious" is the tradition of the telegram, historically associated text to the channels of communication in times of war. Famous and always remembered is the so-called Zimmermann Telegram, a scriptural emblem of the First World War. As for other uses, the guarantee of delivery, in particular, have made him a privileged means for the transmission of relief, whether private, for example in the history of Italian emigration (the letter was to "tell" the telegram ntt neomeit to "warn"). The cost and practical difficulties sending (now, thanks to email, even send a letter by mail is practically a luxury option) have specialized functions for the communications of the formal written record, official, on his way ritual typically ntt neomeit in the case of solemn occasions such as births and weddings, ntt neomeit or for messages of condolence. Despite some relocations in digital environments (read this great article by Francesco ntt neomeit Marinelli), it is clear the fate of the vehicle.
The rigid framework of the context ntt neomeit had no influence on the definition of the relevant language, made up of lexical items usually obsolete favoring the identification of the textual genre. In addition to the vocabulary, the style of the telegram is recognizable in the special essence of morphology and syntax, for the fall of functional elements such as articles or prepositions. The need for brevity goes hand in hand with care to avoid the risk of ambiguity (send a telegram of reply is virtually unthinkable, what gives us a concrete idea of the difference ntt neomeit with the sms): hence the 'adoption, in Italian, of forms from the Latin et, aut, east, and in place of, or is. And this is a great example of the inadequacy of the principle of economy of language in vain when an extreme (in this case longer words work better than shorter ones).
From the Wikipedia entry we learn that the first telegram should be made to correspond to the first message sent by telegraph by Samuel Morse, May 24, 1844, covering the distance from Washington to Baltimore. The message contained a biblical quote from the Book of Numbers: What hath God wrought! (What God has created!) (Referring to a later post on the discussion Morse code).
From the same source we derive an excursus on Wikipedia luck and decadence of the medium: "Very quickly ntt neomeit used to broadcast short text messages, ntt neomeit starting from the second post-war gradually lost its importance due to the historically widespread dissemination of the phone (fifties) and the advent of new forms of communication (telex and fax). With the general use of electronic mail has become the telegram finally passed. " And we recognize in this short drawing a series of media (such as your phone and maybe even a bit 'the same e-mail) that are now in the past history of the media.
The origin of the English tradition can be placed at the base of the use of stop to indicate the "point": still a long form fortunate, ntt neomeit considering that this stop is survived against anglicisms program organized by Mussolini (quoted here is the study of the late Sergio Raffaelli). And certainly stop is still recognizable today as the most distinctive feature of the special language of the telegram.
With the opportunity for an exchange ntt neomeit on Twitter with some random fond of # scritturebrevi the idea was born to play along with the hashtag # telegram (report some contributions below). The game is to build a tweet (a twittagramma, as suggested by @ marcarbonio) ntt neomeit which is recognizable as a telegram to the "vintage" look in particular, but with the usual playful tone of possible drifts.
arrival with my new puppy stop the three of us we'll be fine in your studio telegram stop # # scritturebrevi
I add a touch of "vintage style". The challenge of # telegram on twitter compares two seemingly similar limits but in fact the opposite. The limit of Twitter (like sms) are 140 characters, so you tend to write the letters used to restrict, getting # parolebrevi. Instead, the limit of the telegram is (was, at least in Italy) the cost of sending, counted the number of words. Hence ellipses, conjunctions and articles # # scritturebrevi but parolelunghe. From the point of view of the economy (not so much the language, but that of the purse, right) was more profitable to create compounds polisuffissantisi, the great use of enclitic and the abolition of auxiliary verbs and auxiliary servile.
Note 3, peda

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