Wednesday, April 22, 2015

The Archive of the Greek city-state of Athens, up to the year 400 BC, was kept in Metroon, Temple s

Cassie Findlay, Contribution to the International Council on Archive Congress / International Congress of Archival-2012, Brisbane, Australia, 20-24 / 8/2012 23/08/2012, 20h12 PM, distributed by Twitterwikileaks,
The theme of the ICA Congress 2012, "Credibility: Files in support of good governance and democratic transparency," invites us to reflect on the link between the documentation and the means to make democratically transparent the actions of governments and institutions of power.
In this article, work to examine the effectiveness of archives and documents of the organization and the work of Archival singing telegram san diego professionals to ensure democratic transparency and to ensure the construction and maintenance of a comprehensive memory of society; for this, compare the formation, management and use of a set of informational records under the parameters accepted today in Australia, and the formation, management and use of the WikiLeaks Cablegate file.
Comparing these two cases, from the point of view of the filing and maintenance activities files, evaluation, use, reliability and authenticity of information, I offer some conclusions about lessons to be learned from WikiLeaks and the changing course of the very nature of information, in order to preserve the relevance and timeliness of Archivology as an academic discipline and as a profession.
What is a file? What is your purpose? The file type you know, in the passage of the 20th century to the 21st century in Western civilization, is still consistent with the principles of contract between citizens and the state in democratic government, for which the state creates and maintains files, in part to ensure the very capacity to act, preserved several criteria of democratic transparency? WikiLeaks, incorporating as it does the requirement that if renegotiate the boundaries between singing telegram san diego knowledge and power now existing between the citizens and the state, stated with terrible clarity the many vicious layers of bureaucracy and vested political interests that now contaminate the meaning of information filed in contemporary society. As technology allows today that overcome many difficulties typical of document filing singing telegram san diego on paper, you can say that the archival should claim today central place in the heart of healthy democracies?
The Archive of the Greek city-state of Athens, up to the year 400 BC, was kept in Metroon, Temple singing telegram san diego located at the Court, in the city center. That kept to file law, contracts, diplomatic singing telegram san diego documents, court decisions records and other documents - and there are also kept written texts considered of high artistic value, like the pieces of Sophocles and others. These documents were seen as original records, founding of the first democracy, and were open to public consultation, citizens had access to them and could copy them. The official 'caretaker' of the file, was a magistrate, the archon, from which we derive our word "file" (port.). One sees that the file was related directly to the law; the file was the law, the foundation singing telegram san diego on which took hold power in society. And the citizens (of a certain class and a certain degree of education) had secured access singing telegram san diego without singing telegram san diego any intermediary - not physical or administrative - to him reliable information repository, to meet directly themselves, the way governments singing telegram san diego operate .
In his seminal singing telegram san diego work Mal File [1995] (2001) [1], the French philosopher Jacques Derrida addresses the role of the archon, to explore the function and purpose of the file: for Derrida, political power is exercised by controlling on the file. His argument is, at least in part, that "any effective democratization can always be measured by this essential criterion: participation and access [each] singing telegram san diego to file its constitution and its interpretation" (Derrida, Archive Fever: A Freudian impression, University of Chicago Press, singing telegram san diego Chicago, 1996, p.81). The centrality of the file to the legitimate exercise singing telegram san diego and abuse of power is well illustrated in meticulous record that repressive regimes always build on the life and movements of citizens, the Stasi in East Germany to the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia [but also in the Department of Political and Social Order, DOPS, the Brazilian dictatorship, singing telegram san diego or Central Intelligence Agency, CIA, US (NTs)]. singing telegram san diego When these regimes and dictatorship fall, open up the files, singing telegram san diego which become powerful singing telegram san diego tool for defense and indemnification of those who suffered attacks and injustices that require repair and also for those who wish to know and understand the past.
However, although there is some understanding of the vital importance singing telegram san diego of the file for the life of just, democratic and democratically governed, already looks very clarame

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