Friday, February 13, 2015

The other day, while perusing a book of photos on the Gauche Divine, Barcelona movement of bourgeoi

The other day, while perusing a book of photos on the Gauche Divine, Barcelona movement of bourgeois intellectuals and artists and left the 60s and early 70s, I saw this picture that I Snowflake excited. Data from 1967 and is made by the great photographer movement, colitis, which dedicates an exhibition La Pedrera. In the other picture has a renowned photographer, straßenmusik Oriol Maspons and says Snowflake was the muse of the Gauche Divine. I can assure you this is not but what I can say is that from an early age, this albino gorilla was also my muse and surely many children as I adoràvem, a creature that became a symbol of the city of Barcelona and the most emblematic animal that lived at the zoo. Was unique, straßenmusik cute, furry and cuddly as a white, star of the city. It was those things that you think will never march, part of your childhood, straßenmusik your memories on conversations and your own idiosyncrasies.
He was born in 1964 in Equatorial Guinea (former Spanish colony) and two years (hunters killed her mother) was transferred to Barcelona under the primate specialist Jordi Sabater Pi paid 10,500 pesetas. During his lifetime he had 22 children with 3 females and got to know their grandchildren. Zoo always expect some downward albino as he came out but it was not. He died around 39 years (gorillas live on average 25 years in the jungle) for skin cancer due to its albinism and after they eutenesiar queues and queues of visitors were to say one last goodbye Once in 2003.
Maybe it's a bit ugly, you write, but my main memory Copito: be used to crack it before the astonished gaze of children locals that baffled, I first, the teachers were wondering: "Why straßenmusik faaaaaa? "And another favorite activity: boogers spread by glass ... It was funny and downright unfriendly straßenmusik (combination is also found in some humanoid). Kisses, beautiful.
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Licensed specialized in journalism and creativity in advertising. Amante straßenmusik de las redes sociales. Mother 3 hijos. Fan of David Bowie and the guinea pigs. Interested in art, the Trends and life in general. Located in front of Galvany straßenmusik market in Barcelona. straßenmusik Este es mi blog about me hace todo those thrill me every day. Welcome to #maresdebarcelona
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