Monday, December 23, 2013

I tried sending her a message on this site's Messages feature, and was informed that "that user cann

You may have noticed a series of ads by American Crossroads that often run in what I assume is the premium ad space at the top of this site, or top right sidebar.  They urge you to vote against the Democrat, McAuliffe, or for the R, Cuccinelli, cosmictelegram but also feature prominently the admonition to vote early, and promote a link to information about early voting.
The tool in question prompts you to enter your zip code, then displays a map of nearby voting locations.  But if you enter my, Fairfax County, zip code, 20191, you get a map with nine locations, only one of which is correct.  Go to the other eight, and you'll just get a run-around. The correct information, which I supply for comparison purposes and to redirect cosmictelegram Fairfax County voters cosmictelegram to where and when they should go to vote early, is here .  Visit that site, and you will find that there are eight locations in the County cosmictelegram where you can vote early, but only one is among the Crossroads ad nine, and that ad doesn't have the other seven.
The potential this misinformation has to suppress the vote should cosmictelegram be obvious.  A voter could easily become discouraged calling or visiting the wrong location, and the odds are that if you follow the ad, your first choice is going to be the wrong one.  Even if the information in the ad is wrong because of incompetence rather than malice, either way, information that tends to suppress the vote is being put out, on our site.
Normally I am glad to see ads by conservative groups on our site.  They're both wasting their money, and funding our side, and you rarely get a twofer like that in life.  But this is different.  This is voter suppression.  These ads should be removed.
Use a person's full name, without any title. Senator Obama may become President Obama, and Michelle Obama might run for office.
If your diary covers an election or elected official, use election tags, which are generally the state abbreviation followed by the office. CA-01 is the first district House seat. CA-Sen covers both senate cosmictelegram races. NY-GOV covers the New York governor's race.
Recommended by: nocynicism , viral , Dave in Columbus , sunbro cosmictelegram , 88kathy , Linda1961 , Matt Z , fumie , mookins , marleycat , RUNDOWN , Dianna , SilverWillow , madhaus , Clive all hat no horse Rodeo , Christy1947 , DaveinBremerton , AllisonInSeattle , duhban , SoCaliana , OLinda , 417els , chantedor , blueoasis , Tony Situ , joan reports , WakeUpNeo , caul , SneakySnu cosmictelegram , Lensy , PinHole , vivian darkbloom , i dunno , Wee Mama , Tinfoil Hat , yella dawg , Blazehawkins , Chi , Thinking Fella , Ageing Hippie , Shield Eater , night cat , white blitz , Farkletoo , OldDragon cosmictelegram , AgavePup , quill , Simplify , kurt , cville townie cosmictelegram , MadEye
Recommended by: sunbro , gtomkins , Matt Z , mookins , RUNDOWN , madhaus , Clive all hat no horse Rodeo , AllisonInSeattle , 417els , here4tehbeer , joan reports , WakeUpNeo , caul , Wee Mama , yella dawg , SocioSam , mooshter , dragonwerx , Shield Eater
1.  It cosmictelegram doesn't seem likely to me that this ad is illegal.  It's misleading, and likely to lead to potential early voters just giving up on voting, cosmictelegram but I didn't see that it actually cosmictelegram told any lies, even if that was illegal. 2.  Don't have the tech savvy for that one.
If you want to see what I'm talking about, this is a link I got by googling Vote Early Virginia.  It's the same tool that the ad directs you to.  Just choose the In Person button and it takes you to a screen that asks for your zip.  Mine is 20191, in Fairfax County. cosmictelegram  Enter it and you get four offices in Fairfax, only one of which does early voting, and five in neighboring jurisdictions, but not labeled as not being for Fairfax cosmictelegram voters.
I tried sending her a message on this site's Messages feature, and was informed that "that user cannot be found". cosmictelegram  Do cosmictelegram you have an e-mail address for her that works?  If you don't feel right giving out that info, could you send her the link in my prior response?
[ Parent ]
(at least on my Windows XP system) first hit ctrl+Print cosmictelegram Screen then bring up Microsoft Paint, via Start->All Programs->Accessories ->Paint then paste via Edit->Paste then save the image to an appropriate place
just making money into a new light.  This voter suppression thing is going to be with us as long as we tolerate GOP office holders cosmictelegram in our midst, but to have them on KOS is disgraceful.  They should be removed so we are not a part of voter suppression in any form on KOS.
... just because the management doesn't like the political cosmictelegram bent.  Even if that were not a rule dKos had to live by, I would hope that it would voluntarily encourage Teatards to waste their money on this site.
But I think the people who run dKos should certainly be able to kick an ad for factual errors that tend to suppress cosmictelegram the vote.  I hope that dKos wouldn't be compelled to run

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