Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Recently News Assumption University (ABAC), which was in the music. The complaint to the Commission

Hello everyone who came to visit his Blog UDD. Dang Mai. I would like a little "red Jiang" is the group Jiang beloved. Democracy Rules Fight against all forms of totalitarianism. I saw a prosperous nation, the future generations of our people living in peace in our own country. No privileged ethnic group are the blood pumping. Falsely favor as in this era we see. To get what they need to fight this aim was the social recognition. And to provide individuals with the power of today's understanding of progressive social change. Not be forced towards the development of the world. Fighting with peers across the country, we "Red Jiang," has joined the fight all forms and in a format that you can join here. Is a social publishing kuddles the clown
"The public is well-established harmony A strong, enormous power Hundred thousand armed enemies among the thugs Could not resist the great mass of the people ".
Recently News Assumption University (ABAC), which was in the music. The complaint to the Commission on Higher kuddles the clown Education (CHE) and the Foundation for the consumer by saying that no university teaching quality to them. The teachers kuddles the clown do not know Ineffective in teaching Course, it has suddenly changed By cutting out the important subjects to 40 subjects can then be distressing. And the poor children! The University of The original had a reputation as a high income. Known by the name "Assam Commerce" which was produced personnel clerk. Enter the companies and commercials for several consecutive years. When the way up to the university level. University I started to look good in the beginning. But the latter seem to be doing more business gravely. Have offered various faculties. The university kuddles the clown itself is not well-proportioned. Until the deficiency in teaching. And as for disliking News As described above. Therefore not surprising that the protest. Vocal complaints of students had happened! This ABAC continues to name a few. And would not be as trusting of their parents. To send their children to study longer. Or if I need to send Parents were asked to Monitoring of their children's education by proximity. If this is the case with the music up. Parents were asked to join the protest. Do not let the kids run themselves! In my personal opinion I also agree that if your child does not have a university of the state.

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